SB Labs

Good! How can that be good?

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That’s a classic one right there. One of the more epic commencement speakers
He’s written a few books.

Extreme ownership.
Dichotomy of leadership.
Discipline equals Freedom.
Leadership strategies and tactics.

Cannot recommend them enough.

If you haven’t seen the YouTube video “good” go watch it. But remember you will still lose in a fight with a grizzly bear. No matter how you feel.
I wish you would come give that one at work we make damn good money, have over the top retirements and very hard to get fired unless you really screw up Human Resources wise not even productivity can get you for several years if you decide to not work at all . It is however very hard to get hired and if you leave for competition or get fired you can never be rehired no matter how good you are. 15 attempts I know of 1 made it back I would have took 5 One guy complains about the fact people got to work at home and we didn’t so he laid out and burned all his PTO. he doesn’t work at work had 700 unaccounted for hrs last year do the math on that the next guy complains about what everyone else does instead of worrying out himself and is lazy will screw off them try and slide in and help you on a job without you needing it and say hey since I helped you … what it means is I didn’t try can you figure it out . The next two complain about how everyone else does things and what they get that others don’t and that they don’t make enough and whatever they see it’s not the way they would do it . They do work their asses off but do the same shit they fuss about and the three of us are the 3 most top paid in company in us …😳 out job title also allows us the ability to bypass certain rules and policies without asking hell we just got a raise last month and they are not small ones. The ext one always has to be right, better, than you, or the best, but he drags his ass like snoopy and half ass every job and if he sees something else wrong he goes “ well it wasn’t on the work order” the. Charges the customer twice what I do and I have to either fix it over the phone for him or go behind him and I’m not supposed to say anything but let him find a loose bolt. Then there is the last asshole who manipulates everyone to do what he wants is a silver tongue devil good with the customers they all request him he gets all the jobs that no one wants is too hard or dirty, or everyone has tried to fix it from 10 companies and he gets to clean the mess then he doesn’t get in any hurry to do anything he starts a lot but never gets to finish cause he always gets pulled off and he writes like very thorough invoices and is apparently on his period and need to cry and watch the notebook while eating Ben and jerries with his BFF Oh and ain’t had a day off in 6 months and needs a shave and to get laid oh did I mention he has a little wiener
For damn sure. Haven’t had a nursing student fail yet after reading that book. All the excuses just magically fade away. It’s so crazy 😂😂
It all makes total sense when you read it. Can’t argue with his logic and real world application
Not knowing all the particulars obviously, this sounds like a leadership issue. There are no bad workers only bad leaders. There are some exceptions to this but your work culture allows for this behavior I’m guessing. Haven’t heard you mention management step in to correct these behaviors. There should be standard operating guidelines(sogs) that should be taught and used everyday, that way the employees k ow what is expected on a Dailey basis. They should be coached up on exactly what is expected and what is not tolerated. Otherwise they are like children and will try and get away with everything just like a child. They will constantly try and push the envelope when there is no consequence to tjere actions or inactions. I use these principles in my career as a FF, as a gym owner and a dad. There is no place that these do not work. If a FF messes up on a call, I analyze what happened and whether or not I trained him properly. I’ll own up to it and take the heat . Sorry boss my fault I did not train him enough on this scenario. If it’s 100% on him, he owns it. Take responsibility and assure me it will not happen again. No excuse. An example with my children. My 19y/o daughter lied about smoking pot. So long story short she lost the use of her car. She knew the rules, she knee the consequences so she had to own it. Took her 2 weeks to finally get it but it was a good lesson. Same with employees amd customers. Had a member complain about a coach. I made no excuses I said you are right this was my fault , I didn’t make it clear enough to him. I said help me coach him up to make him better. She wanted to quote the gym but after our conversation amd me giving her a free month she stayed and has been here for 6 years. Sorry I know that was long. Lol
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