Not knowing all the particulars obviously, this sounds like a leadership issue. There are no bad workers only bad leaders. There are some exceptions to this but your work culture allows for this behavior I’m guessing. Haven’t heard you mention management step in to correct these behaviors. There should be standard operating guidelines(sogs) that should be taught and used everyday, that way the employees k ow what is expected on a Dailey basis. They should be coached up on exactly what is expected and what is not tolerated. Otherwise they are like children and will try and get away with everything just like a child. They will constantly try and push the envelope when there is no consequence to tjere actions or inactions. I use these principles in my career as a FF, as a gym owner and a dad. There is no place that these do not work. If a FF messes up on a call, I analyze what happened and whether or not I trained him properly. I’ll own up to it and take the heat . Sorry boss my fault I did not train him enough on this scenario. If it’s 100% on him, he owns it. Take responsibility and assure me it will not happen again. No excuse. An example with my children. My 19y/o daughter lied about smoking pot. So long story short she lost the use of her car. She knew the rules, she knee the consequences so she had to own it. Took her 2 weeks to finally get it but it was a good lesson. Same with employees amd customers. Had a member complain about a coach. I made no excuses I said you are right this was my fault , I didn’t make it clear enough to him. I said help me coach him up to make him better. She wanted to quote the gym but after our conversation amd me giving her a free month she stayed and has been here for 6 years. Sorry I know that was long. Lol