SB Labs

Good morning, boys and girls

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I don’t even fully grasp how sitting in a tree, alone, probably cold waiting to kill something,makes me happy, it just does, I actually use to question myself as to why it does, but who gives a fuck,as long as it does
I would be happy to sit in a tree a 100ft away maybe im not sure exactly how far apart you guys go what I would really like I don’t even know if it is legal if it isn’t then I won’t do it but I want to hunt hog big wild hog on a 4 wheeler to get close enough and lay a couple down.

No dogs though
Last edited: buddy hunts coyotes with dogs, I bust his balls cause he don’t do the killing his dogs do, what fun is that
I agree

Some guys use dogs with hogs to hold them and they slice there throat a little crazy for me im going to be shooting probably 7.62x39 lol

Usually pitbulls ive seen it before and the dogs get messed up I don’t like hurting dogs.

I would like to shoot some hogs though especially from a helicopter
That’s the shit !! I’ve never done it but I’ve seen it on a show where they were flying and picking them off !! I have went hunting with dogs for hogs in Maui when I lived there for 5yrs … some experience and adrenaline rush that was !
Yes knives only It’s pretty nuts ! Right . bad ass but crazy none the less . the dogs take most of the punishment. I bred dogs out there as well bluenose pits mixed with ridgeback and some of mine went to the Hawaiians that hunted and unfortunately we have lost dogs but we gained real prized ones where they’ve taken down big hogs and fed tons of family’s on the island hunting is what everyone may have to go back to soon hahaha @John is ahead of all of us if that’s the case !!
Getting off the grid is awesome, especially where you can’t even try to check email or use your phone. We are renting a houseboat and pontoon boat at Dale Hollow (KY/TN) for our first real vacation we’ve had in years (though I think they have built some recent cell towers that will reach when at the marina). Already am set up for rainbow trout down rigging; also has good fishing for smallmouth, walleye, musky, catfish, and of course blue gills. Just taking the wife and older 2 kids, as having the triplets at 3 years of age too would be a nightmare. I used to go houseboating with my mom, dad, and sister almost every summer. Disconnecting from the digital world is great and will definitely be able to make some good memories…this likely will become an annual thing if all goes well!
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Yeah I get the camping gear together and really just go out into the woods deep that’s really the only way to get off grid because all hotels have wifi and even the camp grounds now have it so I just go to a spot I know and I won’t see anyone out there but we drive into town or wherever we want to go plus there’s a beautiful stream to get wet can’t really swim but its nice that’s where I shower out there its great.
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