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Good morning, boys and girls

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I honestly haven’t seen any fish out there I imagine that there are but its just a small stream I mean some might call it a creek.
As long as it rains in the area north within a wk or 2 you get good levels of water coming through but nothing big.
Ha no doubt, definitely keeps us on our toes. The little ones are the most destructive…clean the house and once they come in the room it is destroyed in 10 minutes. Not too long ago the triplets got out of sight for maybe 5 minutes. Found them with one spooning Desitin (butt wipe stuff) on top of another ones hair. Thought we were going to have to shave his head as that stuff does not come out. Had to use dish soap to cut through the grease…his hair turned back to brown but was quite crunchy for a few days afterwards.
Ha ha yeah I know what desitin is,my mom use to have it all the time. I truly can’t fathom why people want multiple kids, my wife baby sits my niece n nephew(those are two out 9 nieces n. Nephews) and I go with her sometimes just to hangout, and after about two hours I’ve had more then enough, and want to put my own head thru the sheetrock.
I love kids. But a big BUT… there are parents that let their kids run loose with zero behavior modification…that means acting right out of the house in public.
Poppy said:
zero behavior modification
How did this happen? If I acted out of line in public my dad would have back handed the shit out of me.

People believe its better to just let kids run wild then to just knock them back into reality smh
That’s where we’re at brother. By adopting that baby 5 years ago. My wife and i were/are immersed into todays child rearing protocols. We’ve seen some stuff that like you just said shake our head. Some of baby girls classmates in preschool were absolutely unruly especially when their parents were picking them up. Like throw their selves down in the parking lot kicking their parents in the shins stuff. Our little girl has had her little butt tanned so she is very well behaved and polite…yes sir no ma’am etc.
Exactly I don’t believe in beating kids I don’t want anyone to misunderstand I just believe a good knock in the head or on the ass is needed to let kids know that they better act right.

Bless you and the wife for adopting that child will have an amazing home now
One thing that really bugs me with how children are taught are the general participation trophies. I get it at very young ages, but they need to eventually learn that you don’t always win in sports or life and need to develop those skills to cope with failure and embrace hard work and competition…otherwise before you know it you’ll be in your first job and something doesn’t go your way resulting in a complete meltdown. I’ve noticed this more and more at my own job. Those that have just graduated college with little actual life experience have this extremely annoying sense of entitlement that usually is just toxic in the workplace. They typically don’t last very long.
Ha well we initially were planning the 2 and through. Well got a surprise that she was expecting, which long story short resulted in identifying there were 2, and then 3 in there after multiple ultrasounds. I was very nervous with the next one in case they found a 4th! I guess we hit the baby lottery as the odds without fertility treatments is 1:8000 for triplets. As soon as I found out she was expecting I immediately went to the snip snip doctor.
Wow what are odds ha ha… but your a better man then me, I couldn’t do that many, at once or total.
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