SB Labs

Great read on why to slow down your reps

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Been doing this but even slower and longer pauses but because don’t wanna aggrevate injuries but still get a good burn. Since I started my muscles now look normal how they use to with a pump. It definitely works better then any other way I have trained.
I need to read this, but TOT comes to mind… I’ve always been fascinated by things like this and other crazy training like GVT and occlusive training
NeuroRN said:
Thought off all the bro’s bouncing the bar off their chest.
This honestly kills me when I do go out and witness others in the gym and I’ve been training for 24yrs give or take and it happened when I started and still happens today you would think that people would know not to do this lol
You know what I used to love ( im old and fat ) going to the gym and grabbing the 20lb dumbbells and going slow both ways with pause in between and you see all them guys round you grabbing all the big weight then two months later they are like damn how did you pack on that much size you don’t ever do any heavy weight
You have no idea how many times ive said to people and this is the reason I had to start working out at home. Examples
Stop bouncing the weight or stop bouncing your body, your form is horrible, I might say you can’t really lift that much you need to work on your form. I’ve said multiple inappropriate but needed to be said because I just couldn’t hold back.
I don’t like being around people to begin with so im that idiot that gets agitated easily and then I don’t have a filter.
Now I workout at home which is good but I don’t have everything meaning equipment I want but atleast I no longer have to deal with horrible gym behavior.
It depends if bar goes a-b you can lift it just light it count in competition haha. But really these guys are asking for injuries. People ask me if I’m training pause reps on bench and I said no competition bench you can’t bounce it. Now I don’t really do it cause fI’m r some reason my brain thinks my knees will explode you are allowed to do the bounce at bottoms of squat. Hell my decent on squat almost looks like I’m equipped I’m
So slow sometimes
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I get the point of more weight if you hit 25 reps and no burn then go up a little bit if you go up slow pause down slow pause you get them stabilizer muscles too people think I’m bsing them when I used to do heavy squats 600+ reps and my back and chest would be sore the next day too. If your a power lifter weight matters but with good form never went more than 5 reps unless I was doing speed for most people they want look anyway your not supposed to start counting them as reps till your muscle is on fire then count and tell me a 25 lb dumbbell ain’t shit haha
I liked it thanks @Kad1 sometimes I get caught up in trying to bust a bunch out real quick
I’ve dropped the weight I workout with quite a bit. I let the ego go as the absolute last thing I need is a injury. I just keep the intensity up with more reps or less rest time between sets. I feel like my recovery and progression has been much better. Can’t remember the last time I did a set less than 6 reps
I’m back to heavier than ever haha but I got goals that involve heavy weights. Have no problem
Doing ok hgh t weihta at end for that pure Mmc and isolation
Another great benefit the slow tempo is how it helps improve tendon health.
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