"Guru" Ameen Alai.. what's up with this guy


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Please tell me you guys saw his pics he posted from him stepping in stage… the guy looks like shit. Isn’t he supposedly a “guru” or “mad scientist”… just two of the many things he calls himself. Thoughts on this please 😂. Keep in mind I’m not one to put anyone down or downplay anyone’s hard work but if you’re gonna call yourself a guru then please back it up…
I think anyone can be critical of anyone or anything. As long as he believes in what he is doing then more power to him.

I will turn this around and try and be constructive. What areas of his physique do you see that needs improvement and what would you do differently if your were him?

Note- I have never even heard of him and have not even seen the pics.
Very good approach, and I should rephrase the way I approached this as well because for one I do not have the right to discredit any of his work and I don’t have anything against him. My issue stands with his arrogance towards other coaches and competitors. He is definitely very knowledgeable in the science behind the use of PEDs. He recently did a show and his level of arrogance and attitude towards others was astonishing especially when he ended up stepping up on stage with a very underwhelming physique. Who knows maybe I’m just being overly critical, and too old school.
He is a joke in the industry bro. He looked like garbage on stage. I don’t follow him because he bashes others and discredits everyone. I was laughing when I saw his pics.
Oh boy…his brother was ok back in the day and a good looking guy etc. So he gave ameen the credit . I heard a few guys gave him credit so he could “build a name”
A long time ago. I always stuck with the thought that “guru” was the guy who had the connections for drugs, judging, private posing , etc. I’m so sick of these guys thinking they are physicians. Especially the last u tube of milos, A keen, and palumbo. K+ loading? Just to spend 3 minutes on how to kill yourself was a horrible mistake by rx muscle. Even Milos got white when ameen said he was doing that. Take aldactone and almost gurantee if something goes wrong you can’t fix it. So they act like its no big deal…it’s a different type of cramp? Yea, its a cardiac tissue cramp. Momo killed Mono. They didn’t have time to wait for a monitor to show hyerkalemia. Its irresponsible and un needed. Then, yes he s little and shit shape and claims genetics, genetics. I think Trevor smith and that group started the guru shit when talking about duchaine, Hart, and the others who are dead. Remember , this is the same group who claimed nubain, GHB, anything without calories is great and has bbing applications.
Very well said brother, I completely with the points made… especially the RX muscle part. They fail to realize how big of an audience they are falsely advising on such deadly methods. You know what’s crazy @rnmuscle? You can tell how serious you are about this topic because not once did you go off tangent haha
PhD has a rep to keep, I could easily fuck around but it would go against my real life oath. That’s why I always would only fuck myself up!!! What a honor but I decline. If TG wants I could do a very sick, sordid, nubain article and how it totally fucked up people…but the problem is its still out there and people will look for it. Just like all the idiots I was with. 270,multiple champs…shit Paul Demayo(rip) everyone did temgesic or buprenex which wasn’t scheduled until it was used in medicated assisted opiate/oid withdrawal. Bro science told us(duchaine and his followers) that it was a partial agonist at the mu receptor, so no tolerance no addiction…we bought it. Not knowing as a kid that tolerance and physical dependence is much different then addiction. There’s a tangential response, kinda. What happen to tony huge or that whole thing. Started out ok but maybe this bbing lifestyle can creep up on you. Drugs, more drugs, women , men that look like women, women that have become men. Maybe it different since internet maybe not. In the 80s and 90s the goal was to do as little work as possible and train, hangout, train…maybe somewhere in Ohio or upper Michigan guys would train and work but not on both coasts and even Chicago and Detroit. My friend and would have been great pro, won the America and beat out troy Z. For best bber of that year in musclemag and on American muscle. He received tons of mail from fans…a couple guest posing. Mostly it was all muscle “worship” mail. No pay for pics. 6 magazines and no sponsors. It was them doing you a favor. There was some comraderie and fun. You had to be a little twisted and still do. What part of the population wants to do squats with 405 until you puke. Or get lean that your feet hurt from no fat. Not many. Even the fact that a totally straight male can look at another like art. Focusing on ham glute tie ins, c’mon. I have always liken it to when I heard we were like sculptors.
I think an article to address those issues would be great. Duchaine and his USH and newsletters are definitely out there still. While he doesnt have the cult following he did at one time, I can see how people would research it and instead of reading USH for what it is now - a look into the old mindset and world of AS and bodybuilding, trying to follow it out now or thinking its some sort of secret.
a couple guest posing
Guest posing at a show or guest “posing” lol. That g4p shit was everywhere…
I know all to much about those meds and more that probably 98% of people have never even heard of them. I read your other post about nubain and ghb and it brought back some crazy times.
It was so different back then I will just say the whole world was different before 9/11 after that everything changed.
I would of course love to read a write up about what was really going on behind the curtain.
That g4p shit is still very active and relevant bro, just about a month ago I ran into it. Had no idea what the fuck has been going in the gym I go to. There’s this older creepy dude in the gym who doesn’t ever work out but is always “training” younget guys and supposedly sponsors them. So I started a conversation with one of the guys he is usually hanging out… kid was maybe 19, and he hinted that they do trades for roids. I was blown away… I kept thinking trades? Then I kept asking around and finally asked the old guys ex wife who actually works out in the gym and she confirmed.
Exactly. 100% I’ve went there some years ago. As far as trying to get answers on what serge nubret was doing
Tim belknap. You show up with the dimensions of some of those guys and polish it up a bit. Way ahead of their time. When you mess with you electrolytes so much and claim well it’s easy to correct then your an ass. Milos as crazy as some of his shit is, was getting uncomfortable with ameen and his K loading and then aldactone so your body can’t regulate anything anymore and his take was “its a different type of cramp” so is the one that stops you heart! I agree totally @Tren god because if I was 25 again I would probably go back and start with dirty dieting and that folklore. Funny thing as you know…he was a pervert with the females but hated men’s bbing and I only heard would really not help guys.
Loose lips sink ships. I have been training in the same facilities for years and not once have I ever discussed steroid use with anyone. I am sure they know I use and I know those there that do use but it is never a subject of conversation with me. I simply don’t talk about it.
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