SB Labs

Has Anyone Used Biotest Products?


Staff member
Military Vet
I’ve been seeing these products (from T nation) advertised for years now. I know EliteFTS used to carry them for a bit years ago.

They’re touted as top shelf supplements for hollywood and the elite athletes.

I don’t know anyone that’s tried them. I do know they’re pricey.
They’re marketed really well and of course are a great supplement company. That being said, there are many other supplement companies that are not marketed as highly as Biotest does and are just as good quality wise.

If you want to spend the money and you have the money to burn on the extra cost due to marketing, then go for it and you’ll be getting good stuff, but if you don’t want to spend the extra $$ for their name, then shop around and you’ll be ok.

Just like @Dirtnasty stated!
I really don’t take any. Some whey isolate is it other than the basics I found that works for me. omega 3 coq10 probiotics magnesium zinc tumeric curcu whatever emergenC etc.

Oh yeah some @Neuro approved stool softener so I’m not crapping bricks on this blasted ozempic.
This is something Dante started doing years back letting people customize the products.

It’s been true as far back as I remember when he first started working out of a small warehouse. Had a very generic website back in the day.

His last name is Trudel and where the true name came about from what I remember.
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I’ve ordered bulk protein from one of those companies that had build your own stuff. It was over 15 years ago. I remember I ordered 25 pounds of unflavored isolate. I had to go buy great big tupperwares to store it. That was a lot of protein powder!!!

It might have been his.
I’m still of the mindset that aas is the only tried and true way to get what everyones looking for. Along with proteins and carbs.

In reality I believe you can spend as much if not more on supplements (otc) than aas. Someone told me deacades ago… if you’re not putting a needle in your ass then you’re just making expensive pee.
Most of the shit was all gimmicks except the basics. All the pros in 90s were only on gear and basic shit. Multivitamin, protein powders. The gimmicks came out with popularity. People like Bill Phillips who wrote books and marketed crap with EAS. Doing the contests where winners “used their supplements”.
Biotest makes good supplements. Pricey, yes, but they do have some unique products.

I am a supplement guy. Mainly health related supps.
  1. Isolate
  2. Fish oil
  3. Berberine
  4. Curcumin
  5. Citrus Bergamot
  6. NAC