SB Labs

How do you guys feel about breathalyzers in all new vehicles?

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Don’t think it ultimately will happen. The current infrastructure bill only authorizes a study; that’s it. Highly likely that the study will come back saying this is infeasible and will simply incentivize people to drive older cars that lack the equipment. And mandating the installation of that equipment in older cars is just never going to happen: its too expensive, crazy logistics, and no doubt would be of limited utility given the creativity of those bound and determined to drink and drive.
Down here, dui’s are a bumper crop business. Everyone is going to get a piece of your azz.
The provision also says that if Department of Transportation bureaucrats can’t agree on the specifics of the new regulations governing the technology within 10 years, they will have to explain to Congress why not.

This part to me seems like it’s there escape clause. Yeah you wasted a bunch of money for 10 years and it doesn’t work but at least you tried. Lol
I think its fucked up. I think our libtard government and new world order has their wheels in motion and it might be too late to get the brakes pumped.
What else will they be installing in our vehicles that only need the flick of a switch to kill the engine or systems? Electric cars right? On the their grid. I live in Frisco and every time I see an ai vehicle, when I am driving home from my 14 hour day at night I try to fuck with them. Pull out a little further than I should or slow down to a snails pace.
I am so over the govts agenda. China West soon enough. the CDC and their segregation ideas for the flu. contract tracing . red light green light social order and social stance.
its fucking retarded. our borders are wide fucking open and there isnt a mandatory vaccine or better yet , a sterilization shot so you cant sneak in and start sucking off our hard earned titty milk?

Fuck That.
The Californian Bed Wetting Pussified Critical Race Fuckery has to end.
Fuck Pelosi Fuck That 2nd rate Montel William’s Escort VP of Joe’s ( yeah she has nice tits, Pelosi used to as well.) Not my President or Vice President Not my Government.
But this is my country and I’ll turn my back, just like they did to that windy city lady boy mayor with fucked eyes and ugly girlfriend.

That’s one of the reasons I had to leave the place I was born and raised up there in northern California/ Bay area. Can’t even afford to raise my kids there let alone all the bullshit politics. I live in the great state of Missouri and I fucking love it everyone carries a gun without permit, people hold the door open and says excuse me good ole Southern hospitality and they aren’t to keen on the libtard laws or agenda. One of the Best decision I’ve ever made for myself and family.
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Just another excuse to make cars more complicated, making the owners spend more money on repairs, causing more frustration to the local shop owner cause they won’t be certified or have the right equipment to diagnose, test, and repair said thing, and only the manufacture will provide repair services out the wazzoo.

Said that about 100 years ago.
As someone who has had their life turned upside down from drunk drivers, I’m all for the breathalyzer in vehicles. There’s no excuse these days with cab services available in just a couple of taps on your phone.

That eye scanning thing tho…different story altogether
Ayn Rand. Gotta love her. Some of her stuff is overboard–empathy is in fact a good thing–but her focus on human excellence and criticism of anything irrational that interferes with human excellence (e.g., racism) were amazingly prescient.
The government sees cars as a means of controlling the public. Most people need a car and have one. Not quite as ubiquitous as taxes, but close. So cars are merely a “vehicle” for regulating conduct indirectly. This latest attempted infringement on our liberties is just another instance of it. And yes, freedom does include the freedom to be bad and to do stupid stuff; it’s not true freedom if it’s only freedom to do what the government approves. But there are consequences from exercising the freedom to do bad and stupid stuff, so those who do so must suffer them. That’s the upshot: you have the freedom, but you have to take responsibility for your choices in how you exercise that freedom. That is a much better system than taking away the freedom in the first place.
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