How often do you work out?


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How often do you work out?

Like how many times a week? How long?

Do you think you can over do it? What’s your thoughts on working out 1 hour to 1.5 hours 5 to 6 times a week???
I work out 1.5 hours everyday currently on the bro split ( different body part each day) been on it for a few months now and its working out good. I get plenty of rest for each muscle group.
Depends on my training split and time of year. Through this winter I am on a 4 day split with 3 days off. I am using primarily compound heavier movements with very limited isolations. The goal is a solid clean bulk at TRT doses. This routine for me requires one day off after back and two days off after legs.

The amount of time in the gym is based on the muscle group for that day. Hour to an hour and a half including stretching.
If you’re on gear, you can do that if you feed your body enough.

For a fight

I train 2-3 hours ed 5-6x ew for 4-6 months. Mix of high intensity conditioning, skills training, sparring, and weight lifting.

And last 2-3 weeks I go to fight camp 5-6 hours a day. For maybe 6 times a week all out. 2 hours group in the morning, 2 hours group in the afternoon. And 1 hour one on one with my trainer. And I try to still lift light after the day.

This is common for most fighters. And you wonder why pro athletes are on gear. It isn’t that it gets you big and strong. It’s so you can actually recover and train more.

I seriously dislike none athletes saying athletes are cheating. They wouldn’t last 1 day at fight camp. I can understand why a natty athlete would say someone on something is. Because it isn’t fair when you put two guys on the same training schedule.
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My honest opinion is that even natty, over training is hard to do unless you’re killing the same muscles every day. Guys who talk about over training usually aren’t guys that are very fit at whatever they’re trying to do. On gear it’s even harder.

The only sport I see over training is CrossFit. These guys go 110% doing the same shit trying to set personal records every time.

No professional athlete does this like cross fit. There’s different intensity during the time period of training. Even some time just completely off to rest everything and reset. You’re muscles might not be sore but doing shit 100% all the time all year will cause injury to maybe a joint or ligament. That’s why pro athletes have time of the year they don’t do anything. Time where they slowly get back. And time when they do 110%.

Pros are consistent, have a plan, a goal, and understanding of how to execute them. Amateurs go 110% all the time and burn themselves out or get injured.
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As many times as I can (life permitting) usually 5 to 6 and for time frame I shoot for a minimum of 1 hour
Damn you guys are beasts an hour and a half !!
I don’t have that much time I have an advantage of a home gym so I don’t know if you’re going cor an hour and a half because of having to wait for equipment but an hour is about my top I try to get it done in 45 minutes and then hit the shower.
That’s also just weights that doesn’t include cardio so I guess that could push it to 1.5hrs
5 days in a row with 2 days off . I dont have the time either bro. I’m in and out 45 minutes and I look better than most the guys who train longer in my gym. Cortisol levels raise after 45 to an hour from what I’ve read.
There are studies I have read about the bodies reaction to a long hard work out is counterproductive especially when cortisol levels start rising.
Remember that is in natural athletes. Most steroids reduce cortisol giving enhanced individuals a possible advantage. This could be the reason why many TRT patients begin losing body fat without exercise.
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At least 5 days, usually 6 if my schedule allows. My workouts are 60-70 minutes. When cutting, I’ll add 45-60 minute incline walks or some sprints in the evenings.
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