SB Labs

I am the greatest --

I will never defend his character or personality.
But I will go to bat for him every time when it come to his talent, skill, fighting intelligence, and work ethic which is unparalleled to anything or any athlete I’ve ever seen.
But on the other hand, his character and personality is what has made him not just the highest paid boxer but the highest paid athlete of all time.
$300,000,000+ for the McGregor fight and close to the same for the Manny Pacquiao fight, and that just the last 2 fights. Each of those fights were $100,000,000 million, then the pay per veiw and live gate sales on top of the fight checks. I’m curious as to who’s earned more? Not saying you’re not right brother. I’m just not aware of anyone.
Jordan. He owns controlling interest in the Charlotte Hornets on top of everything else. No doubt Floyd is filthy rich though.
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Jordan highest paid athlete ever. That Jordan silhouette is priceless in marketing. Tiger was closing in but got to horny and basically blew his career.
His Hornets deal is worth much more than his Nike deal. At least a 1/2 billion. Can you imagine how much Nike has made off of Jordan?
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No doubt Rocky Marciano had an phenomenal career, also Julio Cezar Chavez won I believe 70 something fights before he lost but you simply cannot put them in the same category as Floyd. Those guys were fighting nobody’s, in a much different era.
Floyd could have easily padded his record by beating no-name fighters but he didn’t he faced champion after champion and beat them all.
Let me also say not to take anything away from any legendary fighter or any fighter before my time bc those guys paved the way.
Lets close the book on this… the greatest fighter in the modern era is a M4 being operated by a Spec Ops trained member of our military… Hands down! 😉

Tyson on cheque drops biting off ears is a close second.

All seriousness I completely agree with @N8GainTrain pound per pound Floyd played they game best in multiple weight divisions.
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@TG The most exciting boxer to watch in and out of the ring. His confidence in himself is inspiring. Him and Howard Cosell were great to watch together.