I came clean to my Doctor about my use

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Told my doctor about my use and told him I was off juice and wanted to get everything checked out

He was really cool about it and didn’t ask any questions and refered me to an Endo

Been my doctor for a while and he’s here to help which is a relief

Now I can get regular blood work and maybe some HCG from the Endo in the future.

Also what are your guys thoughts on HCG on cycle for someone who doesn’t Blast and cruise and comes off

I used it every time for PCT but the I’m using only 300mg of test a week and Tbol when it comes in

Never had a problem with sex drive the two times I did PCT even with a 18 week Nandrolone cycle which was the last one
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No I don’t care how my balls look just that they work after cycle but I should be fine I assume because this is my third cycle and IV come off and my balls have been working on their own.

If I can get a prescription for it I’d do it but that’s a lot of for HCG for a cycle. PCT I will def use it
Hcg is suppressive in nature. It doesn’t stimulate fsh or LH it replaces them in the body. So it’s not actually doing much to restart your natural production. It’s still forced production.

@herrubermensch had a doc that used it and he swears by it. He can explain that protocol, I don’t remember it.

I personally would say maybe towards the end of the cycle to get function moving again, but in PCT I believe there is not space for it. You’re still suppressing your natural production.
My opinion is and i heard it from someone dont remeber who exactly. Blast HCG with no test if looking to come permeantly off for a couple weeks, maybe 250iu, 500iu up to 1000iu ED to see if u can get a testosterone level in range you like. If you can then you can recover off all PEDs. If your testosterone levels at 1000iu ED are in range(up to you whatever in range is atleast 400 I say preferably 700). Then trt will be needed.

Just my 2 cents anyway, a doctor probably knows more. Heard this maybe by vigrous steve on youtube
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I like to use it during and after cycle. I cruise all the time when not blasting anyways. I noticed once when I was using NPP and Test that I was having a lot of sex all the time and it seemed like I was running out of cum. And I like to finish my sex with a nice big load. So it was recommended to use HCG. It did the trick got my big loads back. So basically I use it for the sexual component of it.
Dr. Crisler prescribed Hcg at 100iu ED for me to restart natural production after uninformed stupid AAS abuse. He also put me on 100mg of test cyp each week. Both suppressive, right? But he weaned me off the cyp and the hcg over about a three or four month period IIRC. At the end of it, I felt better than I had in years, and a few months therefter, I was completely normal. Stayed that way for nearly two decades before opting for lifetime TRT at age 55. I credit Dr. Crisler with giving me my life back.

Dr. Crisler was also a proponent of using HCG at 100iu ED during a cycle and then weaning off of it during pct. His argument was that it keeps your jewels fully productive and ready to go when you discontinue AAS. I can’t explain it better than to say: It really worked for me.

I still use HCG periodically, even though I am on lifetime TRT, whenever I feel like the jewels need to be pumped up a bit. Always works, just have to watch the estrogen spike.
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