Importance of clean injection sites

70% is good. Any prep pad you buy at Walgreens/CVS etc is 70% buy eye makeup remover pads and 70 or 90 if you’d like. Both work the same and eye pads work great. Or a cotton ball. 😉
I do this minus warm vials. Never issues the only time I had an issue was i warmed vial too much the time I tried
Good post - very informative. I am going to admit some ignorance here. I was not aware of the importance of letting the site dry. However, I am quite fastidious when it comes to wiping everything down (including myself) with clean cotton balls and isopropyl. I think I am lucky that I just move slow!
Shit burns. Every time I get onto a nurse for not waiting long enough and say it burns like a mofo they all stare at me.

One time I tried to claim diabetes… don’t think it worked.
This is very true.

The company that hired me after retirement had me fill out the usual mountain of paperwork and the disability section where as I might need special accommodations for my work place… listed diabetes as a disability. I was on the phone with hr and inquired. She said they have to ask that.

The only thing I required from her was to please set the donuts in another room. Hahaha jokingly of course.