SB Labs

Injectable tbol (any other typically oral compounds)


Well-known member
Is this a thing?? I always see superdrol, anavar, dbol, adrol, and windy of course but wondering if anyone has done tbol? I saw some back in the day when googling but haven’t seen any lately.

Also, I know winny is painful as fuck when in water but better in oil. Are these other ones (dbol, var, drol, mAubree tbol), that I see in water suspension as well or oil? If in water are they less painful than winny?
As @John stated we are all oil based and also
Those arent very popular items, the most populare inject orals are winny, dbol, drol, mtren. But it would be nice to hit the lab and work with it as one of my favorite orals is Tbol just for the rapid and intense strength gains. Aka breaking stuff at the gym lol 😆
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Haha I’ve only used it once but I really liked it @Iron_Junkie_Labs and all this talk about how much better the injectable are vs oral for your health had me wondering. Just never ever seen the tbol. I was just curious if there was something that made it different and wouldn’t hold.
The staple although real old is papaverine with a little lidocaine and alpha blocker phentolamine(not same time). You inject these into your cape Canaveral, haha, your dick and boom. Got to be pretty tough for these. I have a very good friend that’s had to deal with a spinal chord injury the last 30 years which is how I know of these. Injectable “orals” from my experience work different but better. I don’t know why exactly. I always feel full in my stomach with orals. Uncomfortable.
Old thread but has any of the new sponsors considered injectable tbol? I know it has made a popular comeback as of late and I would love to see it in an oil. I cant take orals at all without adverse reactions but I do very well with injections. I honestly think there would be a market for it.
Yes there absolutely is an im aka injectable version of tbol I currently have some that I’m getting ready to run on my next cycle. Test p npp and Inj tbol… possibly s23 sarm thrown in too but we’ll see