Intro/ looking for help with second cycle

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Hello All
New too the forum and starting off with the recommended intro. I’m looking to do my second cycle and have been looking around the web and found this forum and it looks like the a great place to get the info/advice I’m looking for. I’m a 31yr old male 6’0” and currently 192, I’m cutting down too 180 or a little below before I start the cycle. My goal is too gain a reasonable amount of muscle while maintaining the same or close too the same amount of body fat I have once I have finished my cut. I’m not looking for size or strength more aesthetics. My current routine is weights 4 times a week with 10 to 15 min on the air dyne (assault bike) after for cardio and I swim laps twice a week with one rest day. I did my first cycle when I was 25 or 26 and I was on 500mg Test E for 12 weeks and Dbol Ed for The first month. I took Aromatase .25Mg (maybe .50mg been a while can’t quite remember) EOD. For PCT I did Nolvadex 40/40/20/20 (it was a beginner bulk cycle off the reddit forum) It worked great I had no sides other then a little bloat. I really enjoyed it I just got a little bulkier then I liked, probably related to the diet which I have gotten much better with as I’ve matured. Long story short I’m looking for suggestions on a cycle that will help me gain muscle and stay as lean as possible. I’ve looked into Winstrol and that sounds most appealing to me but the joint pain could be an issue because I’m a construction worker or possibly low does tren but I have two young daughters and a pregnant wife at home so I can’t really justify a poor mood for my vanity. Anyways sorry that was so long, have been really impressed with this place by everything I’ve seen so far
We’re all gonna make it
@GSoE well first off welcome. After reading your profile above i would like to suggest the following cycle given the goals we have in mind.

Test ent- 1cc 2x weekly
Eq- 1cc 2x weekly
Mast ent- 1cc 2x weekly
** these are on monday and Thursday

As far as orals i dont see a need unless you are wanting more circumference and volume training.

So with that i would suggest 20mg of dbol daily paired with cialis at 20mg pre workout.

Hope this helps with some direction. Best as always. Thank you.
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I love the cialis I got from you bro especially since I started it pre workout I don’t have to use much as a pre just some coffee or a bang.

Also the mega ragers is nice haha
Thank you very much this is the type of reply I was fishing for. So that is basically the same conclusion I came too. But I did not look into the Mast. I was thinking, assuming your 1cc is based on a 250mg/ml test and 300mg/ml EQ
Test E at around 4 or 500mg
EQ at a little higher say 600mg
For a total of 24 weeks dropping the EQ at wk16
I’ll think I’ll pass on the orals had fun with Dbol but took it more because I was impatient and wanted to get the show on the road. As far as the Mast it has always been appealing to me based on the small amount of research I’ve done on it. Will have too look into it more, but I’m interested to hear your opinion on why you think it would fit well into the cycle based on the goals I gave?
@GSoE more than welcome.

Mast ent i think would hold a great receptor build on your goals. So simply put… You would have your foundation of test, then paired with eq which is a great c17b drug for building new lean tissue with out worry of dht or water retention in your sub q fat. Then mast ent would work synergistically with all to push fat to a minimum exposing good lean tissue. Thus, drawing you a greay foundation of a recomp cycle.
Sounds good to me as long as I can make the funds work. What cycle length would you suggest and when would I run the specific compounds
Thanks again for being so helpful! almost hard to believe
Testosterone enanthate and proviron plus tbol
This cycle with the right diet will give you the exact goals your looking for brother also welcome to ugmuscle glad to have you around.
you have 2 very nice cycles laid out here for your goals you laid out brother, I would suggest the test, eq, mast option personally, it will be a more solid recomp for when you finish up in my opinion, the eq gains tend to stick for most users where the oral gains from the tbol sometimes are harder to hold onto, like I said that is my 2 cents, I like how you want to research what you are told and not just take it as gold, keep that mentality and the sky is the limit, welcome to UG btw!!!
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