Intro: Newish to UGMUSCLE

I think that depression plays a huge role in relapsing and when you come off of gear if not managed properly the hormonal balancing act can shift you into a depressive state especially when seeing some of your performance decline and muscle mass lost can push a person to fall back and use again to make themselves feel better.
Performance is cyclical even when on gear…
loss of muscle mass has a LOT to do with proper diet and eating for maintenance these two things are not gear dependent
additionally lack of a good foundation is going to also impact what you can maintain
Welcome brother . I’m 5 years clean from pills and heroin myself . I just lost my Daddy to pills . I know that pain and struggle too well. The only thing I can tell you is Fitness and bodybuilding heals all wounds! You take that shit out on the weights .
Welcome man! I too am a recovering opiate addict. Coming up on 6 years. One of the great lessons I learned in recovery and I hope the same for you, is no matter what you are going through as long as you stay sober you will get through it. As @MBTJR1980 said avoid Tren or at least use Ace to see how you handle it. Also @KodiakGrrl made some great points on how gear can affect your hormone levels, so make sure you get your blood work done regularly and just be aware of how you are feeling.
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Thank you everyone for the warm welcome! It’s really amazing to see how many others are in recovery!!

I look forward to getting to know everyone! I’m very grateful to have found such a great community.
It’s not your therapy then. What helps you feel good ? I reflect in the gym so it helps me . I think about seeing my ex wife with her new and better Me, before I make my big lifts
I believe that you are talking about deeper wounds that don’t heal.
I shouldn’t say don’t heal but that leave a really bad scar.
I don’t fully understand those wounds but as you know im always here brother.
Hit me up anytime
In response to both of you is, hunting is the closest thing to therapy I get, where I might feel for Atleast a few hours a sense a calmness,and then the deer comes and I get so amped up I shake, I kill it, then that is the just for a few moments the world feels right… ha ha
For me it is actually music
There is nothing on earth that can make me feel right except when I get into a zone listening to music.
I completely understand “when the world feels right”
I am right with you @John . I love hunting . I miss my wife and my step daughter . They meant everything to me , but I was not good enough at the time for my beautiful wife and daughter . That’s a wound I’m able to numb . @Bigmurph brother I feel you on the music . I drift away and dream with my eyes open .