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No took bloods yesterday afternoon at my clinic. Got results this morning from my primary and spoke to her for about an hour on it. She explained many of my symptoms can be directly related to this as all my other labs such as thyroid , tsh, blood panel are all normal. There was no way of lying about my aas use as the results are basically 0 and the low is consider 1.5 and under and im sitting at 0.3. Which she states the pituitary doesnt send any signal for my testes to start producting.
Yesterday you literally stated your tsh was low. You got new lab results yesterday and today. Things aren’t adding up. I’m out. Wish you luck in all your endeavors.
Yes like i said doc was worried shes been ordering test every single day, thankfully my insurance covers. She was extremely worried about my health ive had 3 blood test this week, variety of test. Yesterday got those labs back and today just got my others. She was trying to pinpoint exactly what the problem was
They can run all that stuff on one test they don’t have pull bloods for every single thing separately. I hope this isn’t trolling cause if so I wish you even better luck
No ive been clearly stating whats been going on day by day. She couldve ordered all the test at once but for some reason she has been doing them seperate ? Why ? I have no clue its all her and at this point im just trust her process.
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