Man I honestly think you’re kinda just freaking yourself out and worrying a little. And trying to get a quick fix. And I really understand. I had the same thing for over a year being told I was just depressed but come to find out. A year later my test was 290. But you know what. I still got up everyday and hit the gym. And I still fought my mind every day going to work even tho all I wanted was for someone to fucking t bone me so it would be over… I really do understand. I also think you played a game and lost because you didn’t fully understand the consequences to your actions when you started pinning. And that’s fine. I think the last thing you should do is pin more test unless you want to be on trt for life. And idk your financial situation. But if your 24 I’m sure you don’t want to pay 200 a month for it. I think you should listen to these guys. If there’s one thing I’ve learned everyone on here is looking out for your best interest. That’s what’s so amazing about this community. You have to think about the end game not just the quick fix right now. There’s consequences to everything we do. And at the end of the day your the one who has to go to sleep with yours and wake up to them. What we do is a commitment it isn’t just an up and quit type thing. You played a game with your body and now you have to decide what you want. Personally your young and I think you should listen and pct. your test may not go back to where it was idk but I do know trt is I big thing. You don’t just get to pin a drug for the rest of your life and have no consequences