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Yeah 360 is great for a 70 year old man which is what my doc told me which is why shes worried. I am not panic posting here i am simply asking for input that is it. I describes my symptoms thats all and looking for any good advice. If that is a bad thing let me know. I do trust doctors but as far as anti depressants and xanax i do not agree with as i said they do absolutey nothing more than a placebo and ive seen some very great people go down from them. I did apologize for posting already, like i said i came here for input and advice as this was my first cycle so anything of these experts here helps a lot.
Welcome. I would get myself some Clomid and PCT again. I myself had to PCT for 8 weeks after my last cycle. Which was a 20 week cycle of EQ that I added Tren to the last 5 weeks. I felt skinny and kind of depressed until my levels came back. I never missed a workout. You have to stick to the plan and keep pushing forward. Adapt, Improvise, and Overcome.
Did you get a full hormone panel? I don’t think 400 test would have you feeling like this unless it was underlying but severely high estrogen or low estrogen could definitely have a massive mental health impact.
Well that might be you answer. Not medical advice I’d say see a doc but if it was me I’d immediately start HCG that will raise test and estrogen fairly quick. If you can’t do that call a TRT doc you can find one cheap via telehealth just use trusty old google search.
That is all dependent on the individual.
Mine does not raise much on 500mg per week. But some people need an AI jus on 300mg per week.

Everyone is different. That’s why bloodwork is so important. Cause everyone reacts differently.

Only way to know is to do it then bloodwork and then you will know for sure.
Yeah she said she wanted me to eat a healthy diet and supplement zinc which i already do and i eat extremely healthy. So she said the other option is testosterone replacement therapy but only if my test levels fall behind 300 ng/dl. Which im at 362 which sees going to test again to see my numbers as well as my free T. So i guess well see.

Have you told your doc about your aas use?

If not I would recommend it.

Docs rely on patient feedback to render the best care possible. They’re not mind readers and right now your doc is shooting in the dark.

My 2c worth.
Yes i already spoke to her about it and explained why i have secondary hypogandism in which the pituitary no longer is sending the signal to produce testosterone. Shes very aware of it and explained many athletes who go this way never return to baseline and if they do it takes months if not years.
Yes thank you, only thing that is that she cant prescribe me test unless i go beneath the 300ng/dl mark. Do appreciate all your guy’s input very much. Finally narrowing it down truly gives me some relief.
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