Is there a doctor in the house


Well-known member
In the UK it’s an absolute nightmare trying to get an appointment to see a specialist so I’m wondering (hoping) that with all the experience here someone may have an idea.
When I perform bench press (DB mainly) I get the most excruciating pain in my shoulder. Overhead press is ok it’s only on bench.
Also, it only occurs with free weights, machines are fine.
It’s not a pain in the delts, it feels deeper and sometimes runs to the back as well. I even felt it today doing dumbbell curls.
Has anyone got any ideas- I really don’t want to take a break because I’m in a really good place training wise right now but fuck me this hurts, and for a couple of days after bench pressing as well. Any advice, help, ideas would be greatly appreciated.
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I’m no doctor but I do train quite a few people and they as well as myself have experienced shoulder different shoulder pains throughout our individual journeys. I would need a lot more info about the shoulder to get an idea of what it might possibly be. When did the pain start? Do you recall what you were doing when you first felt the pain? Was the pain during or after a workout? Is the pain there when its static, in motion or both? Is there pain just static or while lifting weight? Is there pain or discomfort when moving the shoulder in a particular direction? Is there pain when you raise or lower the arm in any direction or is there only pain when you maneuver the shoulder in the joint? Does the shoulder feel loose or tight? Is the pain localized to the anterior or posterior? There are a number of things that can happen with shoulder injuries and they all tend to have tell tale signs of what it could be. It could be as simple as bursitis or tendonitis. Possibly strained or sprained muscle or a torn small labrum. If it were a large labrum tear you would definitely know it by the fact that any mobility at all would be extremely painful and it would likely not stay in socket depending on how bad the tear was.
Thanks for the reply bro. I felt it the day after a chest and shoulder workout so I’m not sure which caused the problem. I go heavy on both and love heavy up right rows so not sure if that’s what has done it.
It only hurts when moving and I feel it most when I raise my shoulder (shrugs are out of the window) or with a forward motion. It hurts less if I stretch it out for a minute before lifts but I’m not sure if I’m helping it or making it worse!!
Its your form when using free weights that caused something in your shoulder to go bad.
That’s why you don’t have the problem on machines. Research your form with dumbbells or barbell which ever you are using and I would say use dumbbells over barbell anyday because barbell is what messed up my shoulder and put me on injured reserve for awhile.

I wish you the best brother hit me up anytime
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I was thinking that so I have corrected it but guess the damage is done. What do you think- machines only for a while?
If it hurts less with a bit of stretching or after you’re a little warmed up then I’m inclined to say it’s probably and strain or sprain. Anterior deltoid more than likely. Push exercises with improper form are the cause of most shoulder injuries that I’ve seen. It would be best to not do push exercises at all for the next week or so. Alternate heat and rest and try not to stretch it. Even some pull exercises will aggravate it further so go low and slow with proper form until its feeling better or better yet just take a week off from upper body if you want to give it proper rest.
In my honest opinion give it 2 wks to rest I know that sucks but 2wks of rest compared to making it possibly worse.
The 2wks is nothing you will come back and get right back to it just focus on exercising different muscles that don’t require using your shoulder.
Best of luck brother injuries suck ive probably had more than anyone and ive learned letting them heal is easier than making them worse and them taking even longer to heal.
Hahaha I’ve been there bro. I still have a small tear in the small labrum of my right shoulder and I have bursitis in both shoulders that flairs up from time to time. You can do rope pull downs with light weight for triceps. Just ensure that you keep proper form with you elbows to your sides with good upright posture That way you don’t “fold” your chest and put unnecessary strain on the anterior deltoid.
There are lots of Prehab/rehab exercises you can do.
External rotation w/DB or cable
KB high pull
DB empty can
Just google shoulder rehab and you’ll see some good stuff. All has to be pain free though.
I do write exercise rehab programming and have lots of experience with shoulders. Feel free to reach out
Thanks- I’m going to rest it for ten days or so then see how it feels. I may reach out after that. Thanks to you and everyone else that has chipped in here. It’s why we have the best forum around.
Well I’m ashamed to admit that I’m a fucking dufus lol. I paid a coach to follow my chest routine tonight and provide advice where he thought appropriate. Happy to say that I’ve been doing everything right (form etc). He seems to think that I fucked my shoulder lifting the dumbbell from the rack because with heavy dumbbells I tend to lift with my shoulder more than anything else. Feel like a complete tool but at least I now know. Another plus from tonight is that he pushed me to my absolute limits and then a bit more on all exercises so feel like I’ve absolutely killed it in there tonight. Thanks again for all your input with this brothers.
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You’re welcome bro. Glad you’re back at it and gave it proper rest. It never ceases to amaze me just how strong and vigilante we are during our lifts then when put it down or pick it up it’s like we never lifted a day in our lives lol