Juicing and Sleep, how much do I need?

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hey guys,

I jumped back on to 500 migs of test e a week and adding to my stack as I progress into my cut cycle. awesome pumps, metabolism and energy boosted again.

however, I am only getting 5 - 6 hours sleep. every morning my body wakes me up at around 4am. I’ve tried to go back to sleep but I just lay there fully conscious. has this happened to anybody? Im almost 40, and I dont ever remember only sleeping 6 hours on juice. I used to sleep minimum 8 to 10 hours when I was cycling heavy at 4000+ calories a day.

thanks in advance
Older body responds differently to AAS. But let me ask you this. As a teenager, did you have the same thing happen? I did. Usually higher test levels will reduce your sleep. For me. I wake up after 5-6 hours, I usually take a sleep aid and get a couple more hours. Sometimes if it’s like 4am I just get up. Prep meals and go to the gym and get it out of the way. So a long answer. Older I got with higher test will affect your sleep. Once I go back to normal TRT levels it’s back to normal sleep. Now. Tren? I’m like 2 hours then awake. It kind of sucked. Why I can only handle about 5-6 weeks of Tren at max.
appreciate the insight. Im doing the exact same thing as you. gym meal prep and get on with my day. dont get me wrong im not complaining im just wondering if its healthy. i have sleep apnea so my machine tells me exactly how many hours im getting. thought it was a bit odd, but then again it could be a gift too. production will be way higher.

i couldnt agree more lol. tren = no sleep and sleeping on towels lol
i feel normal, work outs are solid, personal life is fine. thats why i thought it was really odd, but now knowing you require less sleep as i get older is reassuring, thank you
I can’t sleep for shit at night but let me try and take a nap and I could be it cold for at least four hours weird how it works. Going to be interesting when I hop on tren train and move to thirds
The older we get the lest sleep we get. I am on 5-6 hours. What has helped: melatonin, but it did give me some vivid dreams. Some that I just wanted to fall back asleep and continue - LOL.

Now, I have complimented with and stayed away from Melatonin:
Gaba 1500mg and 5HTP 300mg an hour before bedtime and it seems to give me better rest and an extra hour of sleep without the vivid dreams. Some were insanely wild!!!
I got hit wi try a good dose of melatonin up the ole nostrils at work the other day. Was a bitch to stay awake to finish shit
LOL - that’s a first for me! That must have been some experience. Some have advise benadryl before bedtime. Most of your PM pain meds have some sort of antihistamine. Yet, studies have shown that their is a correlation with alzheimer and dementia during long term use of antihistamines.
Hurricane Florence completely reset my clock. I ended up staying up a couple of days straight thru it and crashed one evening. Seemed to get me exactly on schedule. Hahaha
I only get between 4 and 5 hours each night and this has been going on for over a decade and I am only 26. Have tried everything under the sun to get more hours until I finally accepted that it is a normal range for me as I feel perfectly fine during the day.
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I don’t feel good unless I get 7 plus hours, just can’t function. When I up my test dose wether it’s prop. E or, C I get some trouble sleeping when I hit past 500mg. At a trt dose my sleeping is way better. Also I found eating a surplus with heavy carbs had me sleeping a lot. Some people suggest to carb load before bed or just moderately toss in some carbs as it can aid in better sleep.
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