SB Labs

Juicing and Sleep, how much do I need?

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i am the same way, i got talked into buying one of those gravity blankets. had horrible dreaming patterns and switched back to my $50 dollar blanket vs the $200 one.
when i am having super angst, I use lexapro. helps anxiety and depression and gives you sleep, but sleeping naturally I can tell is far better for me because lexapro helps at times, Im desperate to sleep but I can tell how much its effected me next day. slower thought process, forgetfulness stuff like that

That shit really fucked me up badly it drove me into a mental break and I was having hallucinations when I was detoxing from it cause I wouldn’t take it anymore becareful I would ask your doctor alot more questions about it because it really messed me up and I know everyone is different but I saw even online the reviews for Lexapro are all horror stories
Not to overdramatize my dilemma…life’s circumstances involving the little girl we took in had me at the ragged edge. Not because of her but outside persons sticking their noses in…my doc knew i was a lightweight when it comes to that stuff and put me on an extremely low dose of a generic lexapro. I’m stuck now…tried halving the tabs then zero…like you i was heading out of my mind. I spoke with doc and my dose is so low and I don’t have time to “detox”. Decided I’m just going to be on them for a while.
I was only taking 30mg and it drove me crazy as soon as it was out of the equation I was fine. I couldn’t believe it because the doc hyped it up I was pissed about it
I’m taking one 10mg dose in the am. That’s enough to level me out but not hose me up.
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