SB Labs

Juicing and Sleep, how much do I need?

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this is exactly what i started to do. ive been measuring and i did 50grams of carbs before bed and i always wake up to eat something in middle of the night. i think ate 100grams through out 6 hours. im gonna try carb loading more because my sleep wasnt that deep
thanks bro
Lol damn 500-600! When I hit that I feel like a huge bear that needs to hibernate 😂 I’m at 20-50 carbs a day now and I definitely feel my sleep affected by it man.

Eat like a bear, sleep like a bear definitely applies.
Definitely those macros have a play into your REM cycle.

That’s good as long as you can knock out again when you take those naps then I don’t see a problem.
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Yessir, It definitely affects me brother, especially during a cut and carb watching I’ll definitely have times where I’ll sleep for 2-3 hours, wake up and just have a problem falling back asleep unless I intake some carbs. Carb loading definitely helps but man I’m so picky about them during my cut so I just try and force myself back to sleep.

Definitely can’t wait to carb load during the end and get that nice full sleep I need. Feel like anything in your stomach will help regardless for the sleep issues to be honest but that’s just me.
I feel like I did at first but no so much anymore. I know what you mean though, sucks to get out of one of those good dreams haha
Wait some
Of you guys have dreams that are good mine aren’t necessarily nightmares. But super real and usually never good I have a lot of dreams of relapse
I don’t dream much but I have the same repetitive dream when I do dream. I’m trying to get to my family in a war zone and I’m just killing one person after another until the point I wake up out of breath, in a panic, and just sick of killing.
I had a dream I was hosting snl last night and me and one of my gay friends ruined by being ducked up and doing anti liberal shut on air
If we’re talking about dreams I have the most horrible dreams you can ever imagine.
My wife can tell because I literally scream and make noises nothing legible but she knows to get out of bed than wake me up because she woke me up along time ago and I attacked her like I was still in the dream luckily its not like a normal attack but if I wasn’t covered she would have gotten hit which would have been horrible.

I have found that if I sleep with a comforter that is heavy I have extremely bad dreams and I can’t move in those dreams so there even worse than normal. I now only sleep with a light sheet to prevent me from having dreams where I can’t move.
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I always just have piles and never actually use it’s nice though caus it’s a reminder why shit is bad sometimes I’m searching for place to sleep or just. Hiding it from family so it’s a nightmare of what could be
I experience the same thing. I have to sleep with just a sheet and my feet have to be always exposed. Same with wife, she tells me I don’t make any sense, but I scream. I tell her to get out of the bed as well. I have sleepless leg syndrome and when it gets to the point that I am not just moving my legs, I lift them off the bed and slam them. I know its going to be a horrible night. I tell my wife to go to the guest room. This doctor prescribe ropinirole. He said it would help with sleepless let syndrome, shit made it worse. A lot worse. It’s used for parkinson. I stopped it after a week. Brother(s) it seems we are birds of the same feather. I used to be worse, but it has gotten a lot better with Tradazone 100mg’s. Its been the only thing that has helped with the leg issue. I sleep on the edge of the bed as well. Usually one leg hanging over the side. We are a bunch of fucked up dudes. LOL
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