June 21st diets and training

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Staff member
Good morning all.I did fasted cardio this morning,AKA sex.Breakfast was 4HB eggs no yolk,1 bagel with homemade strawberry jam,R1 shake,French vanilla cappuccino,water.Not lifting today.I talked my dad outta work,Hes anxious cause he’s at his orthopedic surgeon office carpel tunnel in both hands.Then we’re gonna fish for a bit right after smoking a joint.Have fun at work suckers.
Pb toast and egg whites. Cottage cheese and yogurt. Have some spicy chicken and rice for lunch. Unsure about dinner. Hoping to do some back and bis tonight after work
Had Greek yogurt and apples for breakfast then hit arms and shoulders had Brandon’s pro cookie post workout and it’s pretty good although a little dry. Having a mushroom egg white omelette later
I used butter a few days ago on a biscuit,it was sensational.Not very often do I use butter.
So two days ago, I filled up half tank of gas,93 fuckin dollars… with that being said how much you think half a tank your beast would take.
Shittttt diesel is 5+ out here. I’ve been driving it around the neighborhood to keep the battery good and we’ve only been driving our Subaru.

It will probably be $250+ to fill up the tank.
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Skipped training for sleep as I was up over 25 hours regual food. Hope to find out today whether first shift position is opening. I also put in for job in company that works 4 10’s Monday through Thursday so that’s also posiiblty
I did delts and traps today. Instead of supersettong 2 to 3 muscles a day 4 days a week, I decided this week to do 1 to 2 muscles a day and train 6 days a week or 7 out of 8 days. So far it’s a lot easier training everyday with less muscle groups, and I look better, full all the time. It’s a nice change.
I’ve had 3 protein/oat shakes so far. I’ll have chicken breast and rice next. Then egg whites and rice cakes. One more shake before bed. 👍
Trained back and biceps this morning… what a f’ing joke. To train back with no deadlifts is dumb! Ate some food. Eggs, oats, Panera breakfast sandwich, whey, OJ. After this week I’ve got to get my earring back to consistent, or I’m going to end up looking like Chet at the end of Weird Science…

My gym opened back up over the weekend. Sunday I hit leg press, belt squats, Good AM’s and RDL’s… felt good, knees really hurt though.
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