June 5th installment of diets and training

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Staff member
Morning all.Breakfast was Apple Jacks,4 HB eggs,grapes,cup of tea,water.Gonna work half day then do calf’s,and relax with the wife and kid.I am extremely grateful for my wife tolerating my shit,and sticking by me and like usual I’m thankful for my flowers and garden they truly make me happy and if course the wife loves them.


My latest Lilly blooms,and planted a Blue Hydrangea it will get huge.
Who knows I put a post seeing if anybody wanted to get a bite to eat. I just need to do something with people outside of gym and work. I had four day weekend and did nothing so far but sleep not I’ve been up since 7 pm and I’m worried that in the small chance somebody does want to get
Together I’ll be sleeping all day again. I might puti. A months notice at my job tomorrow
Samo grub

Going to squat shortly then piddle around the ponderosa. Gotta get pics of my flowers.
Same food, eggs and toast, yogurt and cottage cheese with crackers, chicken salad wraps and chicken and rice for dinner. Menu change tomorrow 😁. No training today
Had tilapia and broccoli twice today. Tried some protein pb frozen bites that I made this morning and will try later. It’s Greek yogurt and casein before bed because I’m not training today. Got chest and back tomorrow morning.
Flew back this morning from another 48-hour engine building marathon, followed by a celebration of life for a friend who killed himself back in the Fall. Had some coffee and protein bars while traveling. Once I got back, caught up on my sleep, then had four eggs, three pancakes, chocolate chips, a protein shake, and a PWO drink (C4) and another protein bar. Was supposed to do a bench-squat-dead workout, but petered out after only bench! Chicken spaghetti for dinner, then a protein shake before bed. Not ideal, but not horrible.
Yeah I just found out that the other day you can adjust the PH levels in the soul and get them to change colors.
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