Just a little safety reminder

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Well-known member
I realize most of you know this but figured I’d throw it out there anyway. If you use finasteride for hair or prostate make sure you stop at least 30 days out from making a blood donation. None of us wants for our decisions to affect the health of a woman or child who might receive that blood. Thanks
This is why I feel too guilty to donate blood even though we should to keep hemoglobin down. I actually drained 1,000ccs of blood in my shower when my hemoglobin was critical. It’s very risky to do. If you pass out you could bleed out unless you have a friend with you. But in good conscience I can’t let a child or lady get my blood. Some guys just contact the blood clinic after donating and say they have the flu or a cold and that their blood should be discarded.
A transfusion with some @johnjuanb1 blood could turn Boyz 2 Men real quick haha.

But in all seriousness do you guys know of any research on this? Not saying you’re wrong, just curious, because If you think about it, what if a female (or even male) baby gets an 18 year old mans blood with peak natural levels of testosterone? That’s still multiple orders of magnitude more Test than a baby would ever have in its system.
Finasteride and dutasteride are listed in the red Cross book as " do not donate if you’ve used in the last 30 days". They have a list of meds and how long you have to be off before donating. I brought up finasteride since quite a few of us in this lifestyle use it and also have to donate blood
The only thing I’ve seen them mention about steroids is if you have used needles to inject them. That question is probably AIDS and hepatitis related
That’s a good idea to call them and say you’re sick so the blood isn’t used. Never thought of that. I am definitely not man enough to drain it myself.
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