Just watched a documentary on Fish very disturbing

This is true moderation I hear that so much nowadays and it seems to be as true as it gets anything in abundance is not good.
What really kills me is just a couple of days ago I was talking about my all seafood cycle and how I felt the best I ever had then I saw this today.
Only wild caught fish moving forward for me and from what I saw that’s still sketchy.
There is aimit on fish you should eat with .mercury but it’s not unheard of,one fish with .mercury isnt killing or fuckin anybody up…There is plenty of fresh water fish to be caught and eating, just stop buying it if it bothers you and, a novel idea is,catch fresh water fish yourself,no way I’m cutting fish out my diet
Speaking of fish,I’m doin tilapia 4 pieces equal lil under 80 grams protein, white rice, pepper only, and a garbage salad
Try to buy rod and reel caught or harpooned Boston Bluefin. Reds Best sells really good fish and ships it all over the world. He’s Red Auerbach’s, (Celtics Coach) grandson.
Farm Raise and Purse Seined Fish is bad. Yet big Govt lets big business lets it do what they want.
I am addicted to Tuna Fishing. There is nothing better. Well maybe seeing a great rack for the first time.
Our food supply in general is absolute shit! Plain and simple. Try to find organic free range meat when possible or but from local farms.