Kad1 Speedy Recovery And Back To Kicking Butt

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Indeed another reason inneed to get it ass back into gear he helped me with some of my injury issues so I need to workout casue he will be limited
I’ll be posting my whole rehab and recovery progress
I wish! They gave me crutches. Haven’t walked with crutches since I broke my foot fighting 10 years ago
I got crutches last year. Cant stand them. Used one for a day or so then just hobbled.
You gotta get one of those knee scooters. They look so much better than crutches.

Have you seen them?

How did everything go?

I look forward to hearing after everything I wish you the best brother 🙏
I had a Walker the day of my hip replacement, the PT came to our house the next day to look at every room I’d be going in and out of while I was hobbled, he took my Walker and told my wife the only place I could use it was in the shower, otherwise it was crutches, and he only wanted me on 2 crutches for the first week, then down to one crutch… I couldn’t beleive it
Gotta make sure you don’t go ass over tin cups on those knee scooters 😆 wishing you a smooth and speedy recovery my friend :v:t4::pray:t4::muscle:t4:
There the experts not me lol Im just surprised because for my ruptured bicep I couldn’t even move it for 3 months. Immobility cast locked to my abdomen.
I guess they really need to get you going after an implant
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