SB Labs

Landmine Setup for Viking Shoulder Press

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I’m sure quite a few have seen similar set-ups, but wanted to share what seems to work best for me when using my landmine for Viking presses. I have seen companies advertise separate stands to set the barbell on so you are at a better start position. However simply using a jcup on the other end of your power rack works just fine. My landmine is really easy to move to different places and I don’t keep it inside the rack typically as that would obviously get in the way. Anyhow here are some pics should they be of any help or give some ideas.


Ha the lighting is really cheap on good ol’ Amazon. Maybe was just 25 bucks for a dual strand. Mine had the main plug with multiple button functions then the lights branch off 250 ft in each direction. For some reason I like the blue hue. My basement foot lights, microwave and bathroom all have blue lights. Since the wife doesn’t come down to the basement that often she tolerates it. The other light in the pic was a bug killer as it was still crazy hot at even 2am last night and mosquitos were sneaking in. 😎
Thanks @Poppy 👍. As most of us know it’s all about putting in the work and creating behaviors (diet, exercise) that work for you and can most importantly be maintained long term. Gear can certainly take it to the next level and definitely can help preserve muscle when in a deficit, but diet and training are the biggest factors imo.

Taking a break from “enhanced mode” for a bit and dropping to 150mg test per week until fall then cleaning out system with PCT + time on… Then if blood work looks good will ramp up with a new goal to see if I can hit 7-8% BF for a short period of time. Likely my “show” will be a houseboat vacation as it’s been the past 2 years. Just like the challenge, and by no means do I advocate all should shoot to always be that low as it’s simply not maintainable unless a real genetic freak.
You’re going to pct off?

If I remember correctly you’re no youngster. Ever considered trt
Love the lights. What brand are they?
I’m in my early 40s and typically can bounce back fairly well with proper PCT starting 3-4 weeks after last injection though it takes a bit longer as I get older. Definitely am not against going that route if needed and suspect I probably will in the future. Plan to let the blood labs tell me how successful I was restarting natural test production post PCT. If test levels can’t get back to 500-600 range, which was my most recently assessed baseline before cycle, along with normalized LH values; in addition to that, I will also be mindful on how I feel and recover (energy, focus, libido, mood, etc.) as those factors would also help drive my decision to pursue TRT through an official clinic if those were also not normal.

I am just holding off on doing PCT at the moment as I want to run a more TRT based level (~150-200 mg weekly of test C broken down to 2 injections/week) to get me in normal ranges to help maintain where I’m at now body composition-wise until it starts to cool down (sweatshirt weather). I typically don’t do this but want to hold on to my gains a bit longer and get used to the “feeling” when back at physiological levels. Last test C shot will likely be in about 4 weeks as I know I’m still just prolonging the shutdown of all natural production since getting it exogenously.
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Thanks! When I’m up in the gym this morning will check the brand for the LEDs and let you know. Pretty sure it’s one of those China based sources. 😎

Update: Govee
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Thanks! Always is a work in progress, but am now at a point where I can do virtually any lift I would do in a commercial gym (aside from a leg press and cable crossovers. I just replace those with similar exercises that for the most part emphasizes what those would hit (I.e, front squats, dumbbell flyes).

Plan to send a little gym walkthrough as I’ve added quite a few new things and did some reorganization.
I believe the only way you can post a video is to post a link to YouTube or instagram etc.

The bot won’t let us post directly.
I use my elitefts bands for cable crossover stuff. Works pretty good.
Although I love the light show. Not sure I could train in one. Maybe I could… sometimes I get so distracted easily….

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