SB Labs

Lower back pumps. Always

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I get them people always say taurine but that never did the trick for me
I think it just comes with the territory. I have scaled back my training poundage and volume…AND flying a desk… haven’t had lower back pumps in years… 5 or so.
I watched it. Completely non-analytical position, as the doc freely admits. Just the standard “you do something over time, the brain adapts, so the drug becomes less effective.” Which may be correct as a general proposition, but not necessarily specific to masteron. I’ve been on it continuously since October at levels ranging from 100mg/week to 700mg/week. It still works its magic, both with respect to managing E2 sides and drying me out. Plus it gives one that extra androgenic “punch” without any additional E2 sides, as would come from increasing test. If I ever notice a drop off, I will report!
I keep lower back pumps on cycle. Let me ponder you this the stronger your major muscle groups get the weaker your stabilizer muscles get till they are overpowered do you think that would be a cause to this and also do you think that is what leads to injury the lack of attention to these muscles. I have watched my friends getting ready for a show and they are focusing on these muscles and have made some pretty amazing gains.
They took the ghm away at gym I was going to start using to strengthen the lower back use light wait and just focus on it. I may ask them where it’s stored and see if they will sell it to me. Since they wint gmbuy a damn reverse hyper haha
I would def say it’s possible. I spend quite a bit of time doing rehab and prehab work Bc I was just in pt for a year fory back
Last time I was in therapy they made me go do lay pills I could do stack them he made me sit on a yoga. Ball and said hold one leg straight and balance and I got my ass whooped.
Yo look into the Psoas muscle. Seriously was a game changer for me with lower back pain and overall tightness. Lots of people suffer from chronic psoas tightness and don’t know it. Only muscle that connects your upper body to lower body. Connects on each side at your lower back runs through abdomen to you hip/groin region.
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I just looked it up because I didn’t know what it was and crazy I do all those stretches from putting my feet on the wall to laying on something and same glute stretches I gives my major relief and when it’s tight it makes my leg throb with pain I have lost some in left leg it won’t do what I want sometimes and when it does it shakes decimate weakness if you can find a real traction table looks like a table you saw someone in half one with an elevated cable winch it’s like heaven for a hamster …… I mean gangster
herrubermensch said:
True enough! Let’s put it this way: When cruising, I revert to TRT levels of test and lower my mast and NPP levels pretty dramatically.
What do you “TRT” your mast and NPP and test levels at? Is it low enough that your standing heart rate and BP go down with it?
Between 70-140mg/week for each. My standing heart rate is always in the low 60s or high 50s, but systolic BP does drop 10-20 mm when I go to cruise. Diastolic on me is always ridiculously low, like high 50s, low 60s.
How much do you trt per week rusty? You could microdose the three. Say you take 200 mg per week of test back it off and add the others till you get a happy family I know this isn’t trt but when I cruise like @herrubermensch i tend to use a blend then I keep it close to my trt dose 200-300 per week I love blends for that it’s not trt but it’s like this flip it over it’s like that to know where you can ride guess what you will need blood work and keep up with your BP IF IT IS AN ISSUE LIKE MINE. I have to ease up if I jump or try and preload these days can you say bp spike
I don’t eat salt at all whatever is in the food and bloodwork only shows low normal it’s right above the low mark usually I work outside and drink water like a horse
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