So I need to thank @Kuakk for making me do more research on this. Upon looking more I realized adex is literally listed as a side for all major things I am feeling: always hot, constipatikn, and dry skin. Also my cholesterol hasn’t been the best. So I started researching exemestane (aromasin) and think I am def going to make the switch and see if that works. It says it doesn’t affect lipids as well as most showing way less sides. My dr would prescribe it but without insurance I’ll be paying out the ass on it.
I ran aromasin my first ever cycle and never had any of Those sides. Also realize they started a few years ago when I began my trt and got script for it. I really think adex is my issue and am pumped to maybe get these nagging things fixed.
Couple questions for those who use it:
I ran aromasin my first ever cycle and never had any of Those sides. Also realize they started a few years ago when I began my trt and got script for it. I really think adex is my issue and am pumped to maybe get these nagging things fixed.
Couple questions for those who use it:
- what dose do you take with trt (200mg) and hcg? Looks like some say 12.g 2x a week or 6.5mg eod.
- is there a good protocol for switching from adex to aromasin? Can I just cold turkey and start aromasin? I’ll eseardh this more on my own too
- for those that use aromasin, any issues with digestion or dry skin?
- if anyone is currently using a good domestic source and have e2 bloods to prove it def feel free to give those reviews. Seems like that will be the much cheaper route.