Not sure if this is better suited here or in Sports category. In an effort to become more involved with the site I wanted to start a thread to see what martial arts people take on here. There are various different types - BJJ being the most popular of our current time. I practice Sambo which is a combo of Judo and Greco-Roman wrestling/striking. It’s a pretty niche sport but was just formally recognized by the Olympic committee. Doing martial arts keeps me active outside or working out and has great self-defense value. It does come at a cost as I tore my labrum 8 months ago - all good to go now though. So what is everyone utilizing for self-defense (outside of weapons) ? Would love to see who in here does Taekwondo, BJJ, Muay Thai etc. If anyone has Sambo questions I will answer them. It’s one of my favorite subjects to talk about outside of guns and shooting.
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