Member of the month October 2020 sponsored by optum labs

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thank you! I am what you would call a newbie but looking to take the next step with my fitness goals. Still growing my knowledge on the subject and will be coming to a final decision soon as to what will be my first cycle. May start off easy working up slowly from there.
Yea brother just post up an intro with you size,bf%, lifting experience, etc so we can get to know you a little bit
Well my weight lifting journey started for me 5 yrs. ago at the age of 33 late bloomer!! I was blessed enough to finally kick my meth habit yes a little personal so what fuck it. Luckily I had a decent job and got sent out of town for work months at a time. During one extended stay out of town I was extremely bored decided fuck it let’s get stronger!! I am 6’4” and at my start weighed 280 lbs. I’ve made it down to 220 13%b/f then back to 240 currently and I have ran into the strength gain wall and have lost my drive to lift lately feeling like I am wasting my time and I need that spark back!!! I’m looking to put in some lean muscle mass as a lot more weight is hard to carry around every day. Being a competitive athlete that takes a toll on my joints.
I’m actually gonna use it on cruise. .5ml of test e 250, and .25ml of sust 400.

I think this should keep me on the high level of the normal range.

Depending on how that goes I’ll see about my next cycle.
Yes. Height. Weight.
What you have been doing.
And where you want to be.
Power lifting. Bodybuilding. X fit.
Or ?
My advice would be get as lean as you can before you start. It is going to work either way but the cosmetic effect is so much more pronounced while lean and it makes it more enjoyable imo.
Yessir! OP told me about a study that using sust in trt with a long Ester actually enabled patients to run at higher levels with less of an AI.
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