SB Labs

Metformin for quality of life

Ha ha. I just made a small batch of beef, cept I didn’t do my normal cabelas mix I got, I used hickory liquid smoke and soy sauce for two racks worth in dehydrator and then did the hickory liquid smoke and Worcestershire sauce
Got it. So it reduces blood sugar and increases insulin sensitivity. Similar net effect of injecting exogenous insulin? So from a bodybuilding perspective, good for weight loss and for jamming more sugar into your muscles? Just trying to get a handle on its action.
Well hell…Is the juice worth the squeeze on Glucophage?

Seems that if it prolongs life with almost no adverse side effects, it should be something good to go for using.

Makes sense though, because my HRT DOC was prescribing OZEMPIC to patients to help with insulin etc. and has a huge positive result in weight loss. And look, NOVO has now received an approval to market it for weight loss.
I’ve read more than one place if glucohage gives you the runs an “infected guy biome” can be expected. Most people who eat high processed foods suffered this side effect.
Let me rephrase before I speak wrongly on the approval. NOVO has applied for FDA approval to market it for weight loss. Most Docs already know the benefits of it and are prescribing it for that.

Wife used it for 3 months after a cut and boosted her weight loss pretty impressively. Even cut some BF% fairly easily without busting her ass like the past without it.
Is ozempic a relatively new drug?

My joke is “is it new enough for one of those snappy commercials with the jingle”. Hahaha
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It’s been on market for at least a year now and in a new class of diabetes drugs that all have same benefits, with OZEMPIC injection having the best overall weight loss and health benefits. Comes in an easy pen that’s done once a week, but costs a shit ton at around $700/month. I’m sure most insurance would cover it somewhat if you have an official diagnosis, until they get the weight loss indication “officially” approved.
Darn brother thanks for the info… I might have to inquire at my next tuneup in a month or so.