My breakfast club mother fuckas

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I feel like absolute shit… I got the COVID vaccine for my youngest daughter due to her immune deficiency, and yesterday was shot number 2. I woke up in the middle of the night so damn hot it felt like I was in an oven, but I wasn’t sweating, and this morning and still today I feel like a semi hit me. NEVER again, will I get a shot, the last flu shot I got was in 2007 I believe and it put me in the hospital.

Still managed to squat today though, 200 x4x5, and some accessory work as my finger would allow
I still didn’t get the vaccine and now im hearing about side effects and alot of the medical community won’t even get the shot so I have stood my ground until the FDA approves the shot I won’t be getting one I want them to be held liable if something happens to me under there emergency use anything can happen and no liability.

Glad you got your workout in brother I forgot how’s the finger @JB_rD81
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@Bigmurph @Poppy, finger looks like this today



Squats didn’t bother it, T Bar rows really sucked. Had to use my wife’s harbinger wussy hooks for the last 2 sets
Oh that sucks ive seen that white skin before all that skin is going to fall off and die its going to take awhile to grow back your finger.
It will just look funny for awhile I did it with a finger but it was a cooking knife that got me
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