Hi everyone, excited to be here and share my journey with you all. Im 28 soon to be 29, bodyweight at 185pnds. I’ve always been into fitness but at the age of 25 i decided to start hitting the weights pretty hard. About a year after I started lifting I had a pretty bad back injury due to me jumping in to fast and going to heavy with deadlifts (lack of stretching had a big play in this as well). I tore the muscle connecting my hip to my back and caused some sciatic damage. I was told to give up the idea of deadlifting and squatting. I stayed really consistent with my stretches and applying light weight lifts. One year later I made a full recovery and was told I have no limitations. Ive shattered my deadlift and squat records since then and feel amazing in the process. Now 2 years later I’ve decided to start my journey into bodybuilding and get on stage. Ill get on here as often as i can to share my progress and what my day to day workouts are.
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