My intro to bodybuilding

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Hi everyone, excited to be here and share my journey with you all. Im 28 soon to be 29, bodyweight at 185pnds. I’ve always been into fitness but at the age of 25 i decided to start hitting the weights pretty hard. About a year after I started lifting I had a pretty bad back injury due to me jumping in to fast and going to heavy with deadlifts (lack of stretching had a big play in this as well). I tore the muscle connecting my hip to my back and caused some sciatic damage. I was told to give up the idea of deadlifting and squatting. I stayed really consistent with my stretches and applying light weight lifts. One year later I made a full recovery and was told I have no limitations. Ive shattered my deadlift and squat records since then and feel amazing in the process. Now 2 years later I’ve decided to start my journey into bodybuilding and get on stage. Ill get on here as often as i can to share my progress and what my day to day workouts are.
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Welcome to the board! Sounds like you’ve already had quite the journey. Glad we can be apart of the future. If you need anything give a shout!
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Welcome aboard. I’d contact @PHD about what it takes to prep for bodybuilding and getting on stage. There are a couple others on here that have competed and can give you some first hand knowledge. Diet. Training. Supplements. Those are the building blocks. Good luck on your journey!
Welcome to ugmuscle brother glad to have you around. I had a ruptured bicep 4yrs ago and it still gives me trouble hopefully your age can bring you back injuries suck brother.
I wish you the best
joeg9 said:
Hi everyone, excited to be here and share my journey with you all. Im 28 soon to be 29, bodyweight at 185pnds. I’ve always been into fitness but at the age of 25 i decided to start hitting the weights pretty hard. About a year after I started lifting I had a pretty bad back injury due to me jumping in to fast and going to heavy with deadlifts (lack of stretching had a big play in this as well). I tore the muscle connecting my hip to my back and caused some sciatic damage. I was told to give up the idea of deadlifting and squatting. I stayed really consistent with my stretches and applying light weight lifts. One year later I made a full recovery and was told I have no limitations. Ive shattered my deadlift and squat records since then and feel amazing in the process. Now 2 years later I’ve decided to start my journey into bodybuilding and get on stage. Ill get on here as often as i can to share my progress and what my day to day workouts are.
luckily someone has offered to give me some coaching and training for this. otherwise i would be all over it. thanks for the advice!!
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yesterday i had a really good leg day. trying to emphasize my quads without neglecting my hamstrings. Tell me what you think. bodyweight 185 pnds,

laying leg curls - 3 sets for 12 reps at 70 pnds. finishing with 3 pump sets for 8 reps.
leg press (wanted to squat first)- 5 sets starting with 3 plates on each side adding 1 each set. 10 reps till hard ending on AMRAP of 5
Squats - 3 sets. 1st set at 225 pnds for 10 reps. 2nd at 275 for 6 reps. 3rd at 315 pnds for 4 reps.
lunges - planned on 3 but after 1 set of 10 each side (70 pnd dbs) my knee kept hitting the ground so i ended on 1 set.
leg extensions - 3 sets of 15 starting at 90 pnds, 110 pnds, 130 pnds then adjusted to the 2 setting to put emphasis at the end of the rep for 3 more sets flexing at the top every rep. also 15 reps at 110 pnds.
seated leg curls - 3 sets at 130 AMRAP ( got between 10-15 reps)
Abductors - 3 sets for 12 reps. 1st set 70 pnds, 2nd set 90 pnds, 3rd set 110 pnds
adductors - 3 sets 15 at 70 pnds.
someone suggested i walk the stairmaster after so i climbed 25 floors in 4:55 seconds. actually killed my quads even more so i may add the again.
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