My trainee


Well-known member
His name is Samson
Breed: Boxer
Age: 16 months old
High: 24 inches tall
Weight: 70 lb
He has been training for 14 months; the first 10 months: 30 sprints mon. thru sat, sund off ( with tennis ball).
Last 8 months: weight pulling 6 times a week: -3 laps with 25 pounds plate+3 laps with 35 pound plate+3 laps with 45 pounds plate.
-1 bowl purina high protein/ morning
-4 protein snacks ( chicken jerky)
-1 bowl purina high protein/ evening
What do you all think of this champion?
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Samson is a natural athlete, he will stay that way.
If i have have the time in the near future i would like to take him to weight pulling contest, anyways i train hard every day
Samson is an excellent protector, great guard, but more than anything he is a lover…sweetest dog ever. He works as a therapy dog as well.