Need 2 testosterone cyp testers to do blood work

Yep I got sent using any ai towards end of prep for meet then the wheels fell off but I’m sure ky estrogen was i high
So we’re you completely off cycle then took this test for one week before the blood draw or were you simply switching brands? Sorry if you explained this already if you did I missed it?
I was on a decreasing trt dose of test cyp for two months beforehand, starting at 385mg/week and ending at 175mg/week. Honestly felt like crap toward the end of that cruise, but my body needed the break. I then started 250mg EOD. I was going to do 125mg EOD, but I said fuck it, if I’m going back on cycle, I’m going to do it the way I know I like it, which is with high test. I did four 250mg shots EOD before having the bloods drawn and got this result, which represent the highest levels of total and free test I’ve ever had. Usually, at this dosage, I’m in the 2000s total and 800s free. This is a great result, about which I’m very happy.
Doesn’t it have to do with the half life being 7-10 days? I’m no expert but the hormone doc I went to said 4-5 weeks for cyp to reach max serum concentration
Test cyp active metabolite half life is 4 days. After that the levels sharply drop off.

So it’s peak is roughly 2 days. It’s why an oral kick start doesn’t really make much sense.


Your levels respond within days of injection and then begin to fall within 4-5 days. So I personally believe the 4-5 week is bro science that has just been passed along. Otherwise one injection would last 4-5 weeks and we would be stacking the other shots on top. But we know even inj two days a week our levels look like a saw tooth pattern on a graph. (Sharp up and down)
I had a feeling because with test cyp and test enan I feel it the most days 1-4, and by day 6 I’m not feeling as much when I train. Today is day #5 after my long acting test shot so I took a booster of 40mg tren ace, 30mg test prop, and 30mg NPP. Monday is my long acting weekly shot.
Indeed. There is a great calculator somewhere on the net that allows you to plug in the compound and the dosing, then graphs your levels by the ensuing number of days. Really demonstrates the value of EOD or ED dosing, even for long acting compounds, such as cyp.