Need some prayers and hoping for the best


Gearchurch sponsored athlete
Well fellow brothers and sisters. I have put this off since Sunday when I first started feeling a little pain in my tailbone area, thinking for the first 2-3 days maybe I just pulled or tore something. I have had several injuries over the years and kno my body pretty damn well. Also I have a hell of a pain tolerance and am the type of guy (maybe a little hard-headed) that will push through any injury within reason. It’s now going on 6 days and the pain has gotten worse each day. I went to the gym this morning against my wife’s wishes and now I realize I should have listened to her (always listen to the woman). Everyone I know of course thinks they are a Dr but my trainer who I actually trust more than my Dr seems to think it could actually be some fluid on my spine. I don’t kno though, as I’ve said I’ve had lots of injuries but this would be my first back injury. Anyhow if I had just pulled or torn something it would have started to ease up a little. This is getting worse by the day and my lower back is puffy and soft to the touch and extremely sore.

This, if in the worst case scenario could not have came at a worse time. As opportunities are opening up like never before as I have 2 or 3 solid options for my next fight in any of 2 or 3 weight classes I choose to fight in.
Not to mention heading into the last leg of my 16 week cycle (in the end of week 10 of now) what I had planned on going 16.

My regular family Dr is out of town until Monday morning and I have an appointment set up so we’ll see then, unless things just get to be too unbearable over the weekend

So to my fellow guys and gals here on UGM I just ask for y’alls prayers as I hope for the best possible outcome of this unfortunate situation. Thank all of you for your support. No matter what ends up the outcome or diagnosis I will bounce back just as I always do.
Thanks fellas. I’m for sure not gonna make it till Monday till my Dr gets back in town. It’s more swollen now than it was this morning. Just got off work, going to pick my son up from school and gonna go get it checked out today. Something definitely isn’t right.
So it’s not exactly the outcome I was hoping for but it’s not the worst possible outcome either. There is a small amount of fluid on my spine and the Dr gave me some meds that should take care of that. If not they will do a slightly invasive surgery to draw it out on Monday. Also there is a rather large muscle contution on my lower back. It’s not clear weather it happened in the ring or lifting.

The Dr was extremely cool and he totally understood my lifestyle and how hard it’s going to be for me to stay out of the gym but his orders are as follows:
  1. Stay off my feet for 3 days, no boxing, training, work, nothing.
  2. No training, lifting, working out for 14 days or 2 weeks
  3. No boxing, training or any boxing activities for 28 days or 4 weeks minimum.
I laughed at him as he
rattled off these orders and said you do realize how hard this is going to be for me right. He laughed back and said "yes I do realize, you are in tremendous shape but if you don’t do these things you won’t be able to maintain your physical condition for long. So it looks like I will be able to finish my cycle with 3-4 weeks of the last 6 getting squandered unless I decide to just go into my cruise now and get prepared to come out swinging in about 8-10 weeks. The positive is this is only a minor setback of what could have been something much worse. Thanks for all your prayers and support UGM!💪🥊
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Do what you gotta do brotha! My heart and prayers go out to you and your family. This is only temporary as long as you listen to the dr but also your body. No one knows you better than yourself. You are a champion and nothing can hold you down or defeat you!! Stay strong, positive, and in Gods good grace brother everything will be great again. You are destined for big things and i appreciate your friendship :facepunch:t2: Best wishes to you and your family my bro 💙
@MBTJR1980 For sure bro! The Doc knew without a doubt I did not want to hear what he had to say but he and I both also realize I’m a fighter. It’s what I do so you just don’t get a fighter to stop fighting regardless of situation or circumstance. It’s unfortunate that I suffered this injury but at the same time it’s extremely fortunate with some rest, proper rehab, medication, and a little time and patience I will be back to 💯% in 4-6 weeks. My prayers were answered about it not being nothing too incredibly serious and fears of being out of the ring for much longer were vanquished! This has also reinforced the thought that at any moment anything can happen and all you’ve worked for can be over…so dominant and be the baddest sob you can now while you’re in the moment and leave no doubt about it so there are no regrets or what ifs! I appreciate your support and more importantly your friendship as well my brotha! 🥊💪
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Listen to the doctor brother
As soon as you heal up muscle memory is amazing and will come right back and it will also give your body a great time to heal up and hit the reboot button.
I have heard that speech so many times and its really hard to hear but its what needs to happen
I wish you the best
Brother i know this must seem shitty to you but look on the bright side your body will now get the much needed rest it deserves! You have been training severely since we met brother and that takes alot of physical and mental dedication! Its terrible that this happened but like i said just rest up man and i have no doubt you will be feeling like a million bucks after the 4 weeks guranteed my man! Your body will thank you! 💪
Also if you will be off for 4 weeks yea i say go on the cruise now and jump back on the grind when your ready down the road!

And like my bud @Bigmurph said i have also been told to lay off the weights but mine was for a pretty bad shoulder impingement that i ignored the beggining signs of pain and it only made it worse to the point i couldnt to shoulder presses anymore and certain movements, this really hurt my ego and brought me into a depressed state as shoulders was my favorite and now i couldnt work them out for 3 months! Yes 3 months it took of physical therapy and arm band movemnets and what not. So what im trying to say is when your body is nice enough to give you that early sign of trouble, listen to it!!!
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@Iron_Junkie_Labs & @Bigmurph I very much appreciate your advice, support and words of encouragement. I will be getting the rest and treatment to be back to 💯% in no time! Knowing for fact that it won’t be impeding any upcoming fight as nothing has been set and I still have options open and on the table…the only thing other than not being able to train that sucks the most for me is I’m a very goal oriented person and when I set out to reach or overcome a goal I’ve set for myself I usually get the job done no matter what. And coming to grips that I might not reach the goal that I set for myself at the beginning of this cycle is pretty tough as I feel I’ve let myself down to a certain degree but I also know and realize I will be able to go at it and beyond once I’m healed and fully recovered.
I agree brother hit the cruise and chill for the time needed to heal up and get back to 100% then gret after it again and you will be so happy you did. Your body has an amazing way of telling you to back off all you have to do is pay attention and listen. Our bodies are resilient they want to survive so do it justice and i promise you will be right back on the path of greatness! Best luck and wishes from myself and family my bro :facepunch:t2:
I was in a hopeless situation but I succeeded. I did not give the cancer a win. People who surround you and love always send positive energy believe me it works. Listen to your own body, listen to the doctor and remember that success over the problems is born in the head. I know people came out from different situations and won. I live, I returned to sport and you will as well . Best wishes bro