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Never an excuse to not train

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Pinnacle training and nutrition/MOD
Staff member
Military Vet
6 hours left in my 34hr shift and here I am in the dungeon doing work. Why? Because that’s what it takes to succeed. That’s what I tell everyone. You want to succeed? Put in the work plain and simple. Guys I work with are up stairs in recliners watching TV and although I’d love to do that I’ve got a goal to reach. At almost 48 y/o I’m still setting goals. People ask me why? I say to stay sharp to never be out of the fight. When we lose focus we don’t move forward. I’m always trying to move forward not just physically but mentally as well. Everyday I’m in my head thinking , how can I improve some aspect of my life today. On the way to a call earlier I was thinking how can I be a better husband? Sounds corny I k ow but in my career I’ve missed a lot of time with my wife. Birthdays, holidays etc. So I feel like I need to do more.
Point to all this is never stop challenging yourself. Never stop trying to improve on something. Never be complacent. My point is never to say I’m better than you , it’s to show that if I can do it anyone can doit.
Here’s my office for the next 90min
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That’s an incredible set up and you can achieve anything no goal is out of reach.
I believe 100% that you can achieve anything you want especially because of what you said in your post.
Kad1 said:
I’m always trying to move forward not just physically but mentally as well. Everyday I’m in my head thinking , how can I improve some aspect of my life today.
Your dedication and commitment is what allows you to achieve anything you want I respect it very much
Kad1 said:
Point to all this is never stop challenging yourself.
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I’d be glad to have you,your a big boy so you can tote the 240 around, shoots 7.62 same as Ak,its our medium machine gun,shirtless with 200 linked rounds around your chest and back,Rambo style
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Great words of wisdom. I had a bit of a reflection moment last night, and came up with this. All challenges will involve enduring discomfort and pain. That is the fight all of us face in the gym, and can be applied the same way with other challenges.

My challenge right now? It’s a mental block from work. I’ve become lazy and complacent being “the best” all the time, and haven’t produced jack shit the past couple months. I’ve loathed the idea of even looking at the work I need to do. Just as I once loathed running, getting up to exercise, or do work in the sun. Now all that isn’t even a thought anymore, I just do it. I need to bring that attitude into my work life.
I bet you felt comfortable holding the saw it just sucks because your the first target that everyone wants but that thing lays down cover fire that isn’t beat by anything its size
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