700mg a week suspension
450mg a week trenA
300mg eq a week
50mg proviron everyday
10mg nolva am and pm
1/2 aromosin every 3 days or as needed
4iu GH split 2iu in middle of night and 2iu 45 minutes before meal 1
20mg Pheraplex on training days 10mg non training days
Training every other day and cheat meal on 2 of those. Workouts are full body workouts tut (time under tension)
View attachment 875
450mg a week trenA
300mg eq a week
50mg proviron everyday
10mg nolva am and pm
1/2 aromosin every 3 days or as needed
4iu GH split 2iu in middle of night and 2iu 45 minutes before meal 1
20mg Pheraplex on training days 10mg non training days
Training every other day and cheat meal on 2 of those. Workouts are full body workouts tut (time under tension)
View attachment 875