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New here trying to find a place to call home

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Well-known member
New to the site not the game stuck my head in an old fishing hole and found it was not the same as I left so I jumped around and holy heck I see a few of my old pals over here hiding out Siempre burr calm where is the rest of the gang hiding at hope this site is as cool as the one I last remember. Apparently
Money and gear can dilute the forums and twist the reviews to the source who gets the most people to sell out there souls for a bottle of test
Welcome, none of those people are even active, and semper is definitely not here, or welcome here. And yes this place is way different we don’t cater to sponsors.
I appreciate the welcome look forward to participating on site have not really been active on any site for few years as y’all see hope I can knock the rust off and get with the times will be sure to fully read the rules and such
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Welcome to ugmuscle brother glad to have you around im not sure if you remember me when you were around mg im guessing because of the members you mentioned. Those members are around here sometimes and others from alot of the other forums also stop by here and be careful. Alot of the other forums have become honey pots and have been hacked. You really only have about 3 forums left that I will even log onto nowadays.
Long time no see murph I popped my head in MG and it was definitely not what I remember still talk to some of the old gang through other sources got to digging round ended up here Good to hear from you I’m sure by now it’s huge murph not big
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