New Member Introducing Himself

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New Member here
Trying to follow the rules (never been a strength for this guy)
41 years old, father of 4 and self employed. Gym is as essential as it gets for many reasons.
Haven’t ran cycle for 18 years.
Go figure I started 2 weeks before lockdown but was able to get enough weights in basement to make it work
Anyways figured I would do as instructed and say hello. Appreciate finding a place where people seem to want to offer helpful insight. Also feel like kid in candy store.
Appreciate everyone who contributes to making this spin
Welcome, this is a great place there’s a lot to learn here and people love to help.
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Welcome buddy, plethora of knowledge here to be learned and shared,and I appreciate your intro.
Same boat here 45 and had not done anything with gear for 18 or so years.
Great people here.
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