New Member here
Trying to follow the rules (never been a strength for this guy)
41 years old, father of 4 and self employed. Gym is as essential as it gets for many reasons.
Haven’t ran cycle for 18 years.
Go figure I started 2 weeks before lockdown but was able to get enough weights in basement to make it work
Anyways figured I would do as instructed and say hello. Appreciate finding a place where people seem to want to offer helpful insight. Also feel like kid in candy store.
Appreciate everyone who contributes to making this spin
Trying to follow the rules (never been a strength for this guy)
41 years old, father of 4 and self employed. Gym is as essential as it gets for many reasons.
Haven’t ran cycle for 18 years.
Go figure I started 2 weeks before lockdown but was able to get enough weights in basement to make it work
Anyways figured I would do as instructed and say hello. Appreciate finding a place where people seem to want to offer helpful insight. Also feel like kid in candy store.
Appreciate everyone who contributes to making this spin