New member rtyhhujjhhh

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Hello all,

New member here dropping in to say hi and to review my recent drop from optum. Little bit about myself, 30 YOM 6’4” 290 lbs. been into lifting forever, but recently discovering a new love for Olympic lifting. Career firefighter whose trying to get back into the swing of things after an unexpected knee operation. New to running a REAL cycle, but have ran test in the past. I look forward to being a part of this community, and excited to start this cycle.

This category is for your introduction not an advertisement.
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I’m a new member myself. just ordered with optum and yes the customer service is outstanding! I was waiting for Bitcoin to hit my wallet & during that time they probably answered a dozen or more emails of all my questions. Just very helpful. Couldn’t be happier at this point. Prob gonna dance a jig when it gets here :man_dancing:t2:
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