SB Labs

New to the site and needing help

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Welcome to ugmuscle brother best place to start is by reading alot of the posts on the site.
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I would first start with getting a meal plan and diet into place while training. Once you have that going for awhile then you can start looking into getting a testosterone cycle put together
Unless that’s a typo you’re 296, you want to “blow up” but lose 20 pounds. That suggest a pretty high BF%. Get your diet cleaned up and training dialed in and research first cycles, testosterone, estrogen, aromatase, PCT. When you get to around 15% BF you could run a successful test cycle and blow up or lean out based on your diet. If you use test at >15% BF your going to turn it all into estrogen and make it harder to lose weight not to mention waste money on test and AI. Body fat contains aromatase that turns test into estrogen. I’m currently cutting down after a year off and waiting probably 3 more weeks to start a cycle. You could try clenbuterol or an ECA supplement to speed up fat loss. Those are both powerful stimulants so be careful with those as well.
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Yes I’m 296 as of this morning. I usually hang pretty close to 300, as I said earlier I dropped 50 lb pretty quick last year in a weight loss challenge me and about 10 other guys had running. I was a little vague regarding my situation, I was at work so… But it took me exactly 12 weeks to shed 50 lbs, I was hoping to bypass some of that time losing weight by strictly focusing on my inner thighs and belly. But thanks for the advice, and I’ll continue shedding pounds in the meantime.
This right here.
Baseline is important, especially if you’re looking at going with aas…
For instance, natural levels are at 600, you wouldn’t necessarily want to do 500 week… 2-300 would suffice and get your levels at around ~1200… Suppose it depends on how your body responds to it, but I’m sure your picking up what I’m putting down. Less is more. More you do, the more susceptible to side effects…
Welcome aboard bro! Side effects are completely different for everyone. People respond differently to the same compounds. They can range from mild, almost nonexistent, to severe and dangerous. They best way to keep sides low is to have bloodwork done, so you know your base, and when the time comes, introduce your body to one compound at a time, using shorter esters and low doses. Research every chemical, if you fully understand what how a hormone is working in your body you will have a good idea how to deal with its potential side effects.
So basically I’d see quicker results and kind of determine how it effects me in terms of side effects with short esters as opposed to long esters?
Yes, you will feel the effects/side effects of shorter esters before longer esters. This is only partly accurate though because different esters will effect you differently too. Test prop, for example, has slightly a slightly different profile than test cyp, even though there both test. Tren ace can have different sides than tren enanthate, even though there both tren. That’s why it’s so important to do so much research, there’s alot of variables to understand.
Welcome to ugmuscle

Its against community guidelines to ask where or how to get anything.

Please don’t make a post like that again or I will have to let you go were not here for that so if you’re here for that keep on moving.

Haha me either but now I do even less than that most of the time and like it pretty much the same pros and cons to high and low
I prefer short esters to get to see results quicker. But about the 8th or 10th week of pinning compounds every day really leaves your muscles tired and pip starts to get worse.
Yes I use that much or a bit less, unless I’m just running straight test then I will go around 800 per week
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