New to UG guess where I was banned from

You can start by changing your name.
Im happy to have you as a member at UGM
But we don’t bash anyone even other forums unless they attack us first.
Do me a favor change your name
Welcome to UGM brother

I should also add ive been banned from eroids more times than probably anyone else. I feel the anger I understand you can voice your opinion. I just can’t have you with that name. Do I know you its gettingbig
Party like a rockstar
F*ck like a pornstar
Lift like a MONSTAR
Ring a bell??
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You’re welcome, glad to have you. You should post a little more info about your background in lifting and cycling so we could get to know you a bit better, definitely not necessary though just a suggestion.
Welcome to the board! Its MUCH more than just a board where guys and gals respect one another, we actually look after eachother. Im proof of that!


I’m 43 6ft 2in 16% bf. I have done 4 cycles. First cycle was all Tokkyo Deca Test E and T3 for 14 weeks.

I hate Deca and never used it again. The other 3 cycles all were Tren Ace with Test E.

4 years back I was hit by a car on the highway and almost lost my arm.
Those are some gnarly looking injuries, glad you’re good now bro. Seeing stuff like this always makes appreciate life a little more but at the same time be aware of how easily your “way of life” could come to an end. Thanks for sharing