SB Labs

Newbie fresh in 😂 much help needed please!

Thanks mate are the sides usually acne etc or is that on a higher load, or guess it’s individual…stupid question ffs
Cheers bud the gyno shouldn’t be a problem as had swole nipples when young and had all glandular tissue removed when I was 13, hopefully that’s one potential side I can not worry about. Decent, friendly and knowledgeable guys glad I found ya:facepunch:💯
No worries brother. Depends- I use 250mg/ml so for a 12 week run you’d need 3 of them. Pins, barrels and alcohol swabs usually come in a box of 100 so you’ll have plenty left once finish your first run. Best of luck brother.
Cheers mate just gotta find a site that does uk and doesn’t use damn bitcoins can never work those fkrs out step by step must have done half a dozen sites. Just want to get going now. Cheers for the advice bro. 👍
Hey brother welcome to ugmuscle. Were actually here to help unlike some of the other forums lol
Glad to have you around if your looking for a good first cycle testosterone only with an aromatase inhibitor and a pct cycle.
I was gonna go into it but it looks like everything hss been said unless you have a specific question?
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Hej, I’m also from across the pond and then some lol. Everyone is here is great and supportive.
My personal opinion on sarms is they just haven’t been around enough to be proven nor justified, they also use the same receptor sites as gear, so the choice is yours to experiment, but personally I wouldn’t recommend using both simultaneously.

As for my opinion on a beginner cycle, is I agree with most, just a test cycle of 8-12 weeks. Testosterone enanthate would be less pinning. @200-300 mg. Have a anti-estrogen on hand in case of side effects. Always, always get blood work when on a cycle to check hormone levels and treat the high levels accordingly. Again my personal preference is to take HCG while on cycle to keep testicular function.

There are many great articles here that state info. on this subject too. Be sure to read the forum rules and browse articles.
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Everybody on this forum chill and down to earth. Always people to help you out with any questions. I myself am new to this forum, but from what I already know almost everyone knows what their talking about. As far as starting out, always do what you can with as little as possible. Stay consistent and you will see results. And remember YOU MUST EAT ENOUGH CALORIES! Welcome brother!
Mate- check out EDIT . Takes cash, super quick turnaround and decent products. He’ll look after you.
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