SB Labs

Newbie fresh in 😂 much help needed please!

Absolute hero! Cheers I’m on to it thanks for helping sort that out mate and all for taking the time👍 Much appreciated
Welcome… youn gained 11 pounds off of how many cycles of sarms?
If you dont want to pin you’ll want to go with test e also just Google 25g 1.5inch syringes and boom there they are… feel free to ask away on here everyone is willing to help
Cheers everyone not everywhere is so helpful I’ve found at my expense so seriously appreciated, so going to admit a little anxious as I’m stepping into this I’ve got ordered arriving tmrw

Test E x 2 vials of 300mg
And all my sterile pins are here full kit

So would Tue and Thurs 250 Test E run for 12 weeks solid diet high quality protein carb load? (Not sure) followed by a pct of Nolva and HCG be a good start. This may seem like newbie stuff but not sure if I’m looking at losses significant or gains noticeable or some sort of ‘come down’ is it better to ‘blast and cruise’ just trying to get info from the experienced and vets please. Any help appreciated don’t fancy a psychological collapse or avoidable screw ups from not asking at the outset. Thanks again 💯 Clint
2x cycles of Osta rad and LGD mate both of 12 weeks (ish tbh) gym 5-6 times heavy lift low rep and HiiT I know my BF dropped like hell and I was in defecit aswell, I would call bullshit in your position. Know it sounds like bollocks but had the trainer measure electronically regularly he thiught I was in heavy heard so have to trust that as far as poss, totally different shape now never had a chest bis and tris but my back and legs grew ridiculously, not to the standards on here but for me mate
Totally agree Monday , Thursday pin days. With Test E ester is long enough to last up to 4 days before next pin. Compound is very similar to Test C just one carbon off.
Thanks just a little angsty stepping into it and not getting it as right as possible appreciate your response and evo💯