SB Labs

“No Ester Oils” What are they?


My sponsor has recently added “no ester oils” to their product list. Things like Trenbalone no ester, test no ester, etc. What are the uses of these, and benefits? Really just curious about it because I’ve never heard of this before. Thanks
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So they are base products meaning that the compound has no ester so it has a short half life and isn’t affected by ester weight. Most are used as PWO. I personally like to use nandrolone base a couple times a week when im running a blast. I still haven’t tried TNE (test no ester) but I would like to combine the nandrolone base and tne as a pwo one day. Im just worried about my BP.
There helpful as a pwo or as a product that you can run and inject the base compound and get the effects within the hour. Without losing any compound to the ester weight allowing you to get more benefits from a smaller dose.
I like to use them as pwo on days I don’t feel like working out, I’ve used, dbol,adrol,tne, and the best and worst one I’ve used was mtren. And I know it happens but rarely hear of someone running them as a actual cycle, as you would literally be a pin cushion. When I do use them I don’t do it enough to pick up on any extra or worsening side effects, so I have little to no problems with them.
Just to add to what’s been said: before your body can use a substance like testosterone enanthate, it has to take the ester (enanthate) off it. The longer the ester is, the longer it takes, and the longer the stuff stays in your system. Acetate is a short ester (often seen on tren) and works fast; deca for some reason is known by its ester (decaonate) instead of the steroid (nandrolone); and oils like sustanon contain a MIX of esters including propionate (which is very long). Think of it like different lengths of fuse on a stick of dynamite.

That’s why, as bigmurph says, the “no ester” stuff is used as a preworkout - there’s no ester so it can bind with receptors right away.
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That all makes sense, let me ask what may be a dumb question. Say I’m on an EQ/Mast/Test cycle. Would I be able to use Tren no ester as a pwo in that cycle?

Edit to add:
Would using TrNE only in a PWO situation have the same insane results as a true tren a cycle?
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You sure can use it. I have no experience with it myself but I’ve heard a little tren PWO can lend a nice kick. I’m sure others here have done / do it and can weigh in on experiences.

I don’t THINK it would be the same as a tren cycle but I’m outta my depth. I wonder if using it would cause swings in hormone levels that could promote sides. The gents I know who’ve done it have supplemented the tren in their stack with the PWO.
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Holy shiz. I just received my TNE50/TRNE50 blend from @SRx. Most painful shot I’ve ever done but I feel freaking invincible. Just pinned 15 min ago, so I don’t now if that’s just placebo effect or not, but I’m headed to the gym to see what this stuff is all about!
Your gonna kill it man! That’s one hell of a blend, hands down my 2 favorite pre’s and in 1 blend, man, I’m gonna have get on the SRX train and try some of there pre’s, keep us updated brotha.
Yeah, that stuff is legit as f…

The overconfidence that comes along with tren caused me to strain my shoulder slightly, but that’s my fault. I knew about it and pushed too hard anyway. Hell, I felt like I could levitate if I thought about hard enough!!

I’m always repping and praising @SRx, but it’s all 100% true. These guys take awesome care of me, and their products, delivery system, and website are spot on.

Also thanks to everyone on this site, especially all of the admins and moderators for all of the advice. My in person coach was not giving me good advice, and I would’ve never known better had it not been for this site. You guys all rock, and it’s an honor to be a part of this group.
About the BP, are you referring to after pinning and while the compound is in my system; or in general does the use of the NE oils cause higher blood pressure?

I hope I worded that right…
It actually does spike your bp but someone like me wouldn’t be able to even use the trne but you might be completely fine its just with no ester its almost instant release and you get almost 100% of the compound. Really strong and fast acting.