SB Labs

Nucleus Overload Question

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I ran across an interesting article about Nucleus Overload training and was curious if anyone has ever tried it and possibly what your results were? It’s basically training a specific muscle group for 30 days straight to stimulate more nuclei generation. Once the 30 days is up you have a deload period. So once you go back to your regular training schedule, now having more nuclei, it generates faster muscle growth.
I was kinda thinking the same thing honestly. Figured I’d try to get some feedback to see what others thought, or had for actual results, before jumping into a 30 day stint that causes more harm than good.
I’ve never heard of it… but that pretty much goes against anything I’ve ever learned about the importance of rest.
Hahahaha. Ya I am thinking Incredible Hulk!!! Will I turn green if I take that dose @BigSwole69. Have massive roid rage when someone hurts me and crash through brick walls and turn over semi trucks.
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Robert Franks “Fuck That”. I agree about the respect ting. That’s serious dedication. I didn’t know you competed bro. Tell me some stories. What did you compete in. Weigh class ? Lifts? You have any pics bro!!!
Back in the late 80’s brother did very well but had a family and I needed to not be selfish was having our first baby girl. I was always around the 185 mark.

Holy sexy beast storm brother!!! You were a rock.
You must’ve had the ladies putting their pussy right in your hand. Agrees about family. They always come first. Seems like a lot of guys on here have that mentality
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I am starting to get tired of steak myself and I’ve only been loading protein for a few months. Lol. I never thaought I’d say that but it is such an easy high protein meal. Grill 5 minutes done.

How is your overall health besides looking good? After being on such high doses and such. The medical industry makes it out to be so bad. But yet mortality rate of body builders is one percent higher than the avg American.
Perfectly fine- have had it all skin checks, blood work 3-4x a year, prostate check just to be on the safe side. See back when I was competing we didn’t have all the shit there is today we did old school lifts, a lot of gear and ate like a horse. Now all these young guys want to take all these blends and protein powders and insulin etc. and just look like freaks lol I prefer the old school look.
Agreed. There are peptides out there that will actually make your muscl fibers split. Arnold had a FFMI of 32. Since when has Arny not been enough. Now guys like Roli Winkler have ffmi of 44. Fucking insane.

I bet you ask for extra prostate checks when your in the docs office. He says “your fine Big Swole”. And you say. Please doc just check my prostate one more time to be certain.
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