SB Labs

October 2019 member of the month contest at ugmuscle

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For all of you thinking you can’t win, it’s easy to do. I never win shit until last month!!! Participate. Add comments. Add subjects. How hard can it be? @Flashlabs LOOK WHAT I GOT IN THE MAIL TODAY!! Thanks UGM AND FLASHLABS!!! Can’t wait to ride this pony!!
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How long you run your VAR in a cycle. I have seen some run it for 8 weeks, and then some say they ran it for 12 weeks, because their bloods came back just fine. I drink, but mainly just in my chest day (College Football Saturday), so I’m trying to keep it as legit as possible. I’d say I have been at least 90% clean eating each week, so I was hoping to run VAR as long as possible in this cycle, then once on TRT Cruise, switch to something else after cruising for about 6-8 weeks.
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My magic number is 7 Weeks. That’s about all care to run VAR. while people say it is easy on the body, it’s still an oral and can cause damage to the liver. But since it is the most mild, I will run 7 weeks. Others I run way less. Time. Some I can’t run at all. Being older it has caught up with me. 😁
I’ve read about increasing dosage weekly and then after the midpoint of the cycle, you start to drop dosage.

The idea is to not first shock the body & to prevent fatigue of receptors. Also to ease off into pct as again not to shock the system and better adapt to pct.
Theoretically It makes sense, I plan on experimenting with this soon.
I am guessing theoretically, you could run VAR as long as tolerable, and bloods stay clean. I for sure would have to gauge that on Winny for next round.

Have you seen faster/better vascularity etc. with Winny over VAR??
Winstrol is my very favorite and makes you grainy and vascular as a mofo. With that said. I will caveat that with the sides for me are not nice. And as I’ve gotten older it’s a matter of is it really worth it? (winstrol that is)
Understand pain versus reward.

I think I posted in another thread (or maybe this one) about doing a Test/Deca/Winny cycle after I cruise on TRT for a few weeks.

I don’t have any experience with Deca or Winny yet.

What doses would be good for running that as my next cycle??
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