Its funny, When there was very little Supps around and there were worries about counterfeits, and just plain oil, I remember lots of guys and myself just going to basically milligrams per week. We knew about blood levels and some other stuff, but it was load up on what you could get and especially if you knew it was real. Late 80s, early 90s. There was the start ups like Ttokyo, Denkall and the russian and polish omadren but it was hard to get. Thats were you hear of those stories(i think) of 5 anadrol a day, etc. I remember we all looked pretty good and it was a time when the guys that had really good connects looked way better. I would get whatever I could and just plan out a cycle. The goal was around a gram or gram and a half. It might be test cyp at 600/week, Deca at 400 and 30mgs of dbol per day for as long as that went then EQ at 300-500(50mg), or/and laurabolin at 3-500 with suspension at 300. The tren pellets we would usecrushed w/dmso or under tongue and yes I used the pulverrized tren just mixed with test. Point is, again the training , eating and everyone being in the same gym forcing you to train harder, It seemed there wasnt so much time wasted on planning cycles. Of course I don’t think that was the better way. With all the knowledge and social media and access, its better…maybe safer but its been more confusing and the physiques haven’t really showed the improvement one would expect. I think it is so much more confusing for most guys